Chapter 31 - The Surprise

Start from the beginning

"What? What did I just do?" Mateo sounded like he was caught in a crime.

"Why on earth did you give that woman an engagement ring?!"

Sydney also went towards their direction.

They are creating quite a seen, but surprisingly, the people around them didn't care anymore.

"Oh that, uhm..." Mateo looked worried and she glanced over Sydney like he was asking for help. He seemed panicky.

"Here's the thing. I asked Mateo to come with me to buy an engagement ring. You see, I want to get married and I'm planning to ask the man I'm in love with."

Mia was stunned. She never thought that Sydney would be in love with someone else. She assumed that he was in love with Mateo.

"You're getting married?" Mia asked like she can't still believe it.

"Well, apparently. If he says yes. I'm the one doing the proposing." Sydney said.

Mia's frowned. "But I thought you were in love with..." She said gesturing Mateo.

"Oh...nah...We were never inlove with each other really. We were just always to keep annoying suitors like you..." She pointed Mia.

"Hey." Viane immediately butts in.

"At bay..." Sydney continued.

'Oh.' Mia thought all along that they had a relationship because they were always together in college. And Mateo once said that he was in love with Sydney which he told her was a lie.

But she was not one of those annoying suitors though.

"Sweetie...were you following us?" Mateo came over to her and encircled his arm around her waist and kissed her forehead, making her face heat up.

"Uhm...sort of? We were curious on what you two are doing inside a jewellery shop."

He sighed. "It's like what Sydney said okay. You really still doubt my love despite all of those courtships I did to you?" He said in a sad tone.

The courtship he meant was the sweet grand gesture he did for her to prove his love for her. She had almost forgotten about those.

Mia bit her lip. She could feel pain in Mateo's voice when he said that. She made him upset, that's for sure.

She raised her head to look unto his eyes. "I'm sorry. I was just really curious. I thought---."

"I already told you that I didn't have any feelings for Sydney." He said.

"I'm sorry again." Mia said as she wrapped her arms around Mateo and hugged him hard to show him how sorry she is for doubting him. Her insecurities would really get her sometimes.

"Actually, it was all my fault. I forced Mia to follow you two. Because I thought that you were cheating on Mia. And I, as her friend would never allow that." She said with a hint of apology and warning at the same time.

Mateo sighed and hugged her back and dipped his head in her hair, smelling her. "I love you. Please always remember that Sweetie." He whispered into her ears that swelled up her heart.

Mia nodded in his shoulders.

"Oh, are these the twins?" Sydney suddenly exclaimed in excitement. She bends down to see the twin. The twins made a cute gurgle sound that seemed to please Sydney and she played with them.

Mia released their hug but Mateo's arm remains around her waist.

"Mateo, they look exactly like you, except for the eye colour though."

"It's from their stupid Uncle."

"Sir!" Mia scolds him.

"Sorry. But it is true."

"I couldn't agree more." Viane suddenly says.

"Viane! My brother's not stupid. Well, uhm...sometimes."

Mateo chuckled. "See? Even you can't deny it. "Oh and you are?" Mateo referred to Viane whom she forgot to introduce.

"I'm Viane, Viane Rosavil." She introduced herself and shakes hand with Mateo.

Mateo has a frowned face after hearing Viane's name.

"Viane? It sounds familiar. Wait..." Mateo looked like he was thinking really hard to remember something. "I remember now. You were the girl who got dumped by that Tsukkidiot."

Viane laughed. "Tsukkidiot. Really? I like that."

"So you are the woman he said that he is looking for."

"Tsukkishima? Haha, no way. Why would he look for me? Mia said that too. Whatever he might have said, nothing is probably true. He would never look for me." Viane said with finality.

"But Tsu---"

"Sir, just..." Mia said hoping that he would easily guess what she wants to say.


Looks like he's got it.

"We'll Mia, since you're here. Would you come with me?" Sydney suddenly asks her.

"Huh? Where to?" Mia asked.

"It's a secret. I'll tell you when we get there. You too," She said referring to Viane. "you have to come with us."

Mia looked at Mateo.

"Oh come on, it's not like I'm going to do anything bad. I just want you to help me pick out a dress."

"Will you please, Sweetie?" Even Mateo is eager to this. She wondered why.

"Okay." She breathes. "What about the twins?"

"I'll take the twins with me. We have some things to do ourselves. Right boys?" He asked the twins like they would answer him in an instant. But instead, the twins just waved their mitten covered hands and made baby sounds, which are of course, adorable as ever.

"Oh cute." Sydney complimented. "Come on Mia, let's go. You too Viane."

Viane crossed her arms. "I hate it when I'm being bossed around."

"Oh I'm sorry." Sydney said mockingly. "Would you mind coming with us Miss Viane?"

"That's better. Thanks."

Sydney just rolled her eyes. "Let's just go, alright." Sydney started to walk to the elevator and Viane followed her.

She was about to follow to when Mateo didn't let her go.

"Sir Mateo?"

Mateo didn't say anything, instead, he lowered his head and kissed her senseless making her head spin.

"My goodbye kiss." He teased.

Mia blushed and sighed as she felt her heard skip a beat. Then she grabbed Mateo's neck tie and pulled him towards her to place a soft kiss to his lips to tease him. She smiled when she saw Mateo's stunned face.

"Bye." She whispered before she lets go of her boss's tie.

She bends down to level the twins and gives them both each a kiss on the cheeks before she bids them all goodbye.

"Bye sir Mateo." She waved at the still stunned Mateo who just smile and waved back at her.

"See you, Sweetie."

Then she followed the two ladies in the elevator who were both glaring at each other.

Mia chuckled mentally. Looks like it's going to take some time for these two to get along with each other.