"Oh my god how come I've never seen you wear this," She marvels, holding up a tiny black corset top. "Are you trying to have us match?" I reply, staring down the similar navy corset poking out from beneath her jacket.

"Of course, you'd look ten times hotter if you dressed like me," She winks, chucking the outfit at me. "I'd love to but it's like six degrees," I laugh, heading towards my closet to pick out a warmer outfit.

"A hoe never gets cold," She deadpans, crossing her arms.

I laugh while selecting a black skirt paired with a brown jumper and some thermal black tights. "Damn at least warn a girl before you start to strip," Jas teases as I begin getting changed. "Not that I'm complaining," She smirks, causing me to throw a pair of jeans directly at her head.

I'd much rather go out in a hoodie and some pyjama bottoms but I have to look presentable incase the paparazzi find me.

I get changed and pull on my airforces before we make our way through the hallway, our walking causing the dark oakwood floorboards to creak.

We descend the grand staircase and head towards the large open kitchen as Jas rambles about her costume for an upcoming halloween party that she's dying to go to.

"Hey Mr. King," Jas greets my dad who pouring himself a coffee. "Jas! How are you?" He asks politely, smiling brightly.

"Couldn't be better," She replies. "Could you chuck me an apple?" She asks, now leaning against the counter.

Dad obliges, walking over to us with an apple in one hand and a coffee in the other. "Now you girls have a good day, don't get into too much trouble," He laughs, leaning over to give me a kiss on the forehead before exiting the room.

My dad has made his name by being a well known actor, starring in numerous iconic roles across the span of his career. He additionally hosts the most popular talk show on tv currently, pulling in millions of viewers nightly.

Obviously due to the nature of his job he has developed the uncanny ability to lie and pretend to be something he isn't.

When I was younger I used to genuinely believe I was crazy. I would always wonder why my dad would be so friendly, so charismatic to everyone except me. 

But when I got older I realised that he is neither friendly or charismatic he's just good at manipulation and masking his true feelings.

He's spends his whole day appearing cheery and likeable, constantly plastering that bright smile across his face so when he gets home he has no energy left to pretend to be someone he's not, someone nice and loving. 

If I ever told anyone what he was really like they'd never believe me and I wouldn't blame them. He's even managed to hide it from those closest to us. 

I've been friends with Jas for almost five years and even she has no clue.

"Let's go," I say, slinging my bag over my shoulder. This house is huge but it's always felt suffocating, the walls constantly reminding me of memories I'd much rather forget. 

We head towards the drive as Jas loudly munches on her apple, eventually making it to my car and climbing in. I let Jas control the aux as we take off towards the university.

A cold breeze blows directly into my face through the cracked open window, the chilliness waking me up slightly as well as sending shivers throughout my body.

"Want me to do yours?" Jas asks, tilting her head towards me before motioning towards the pack of tarot cards spread across her lap.

"Go ahead," I reply, my voice coming out much more unenthusiastic than I had intended. I muster up a big smile, not wanting her to think that I could ever be disinterested in her or her interests.

"Hmmm, interesting," She hums while tapping her chin, causing me to laugh at her sudden seriousness. "I see great things coming your way," She reveals. "Really?" I snort, not believing her. "Yes," She nods thoughtfully. 

"Any idea when these 'great things' are coming my way?" I laugh, pulling into the university car park.

"Very soon, maybe even today."

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