Chapter 22 - The Ride

Start from the beginning

A wave of jealousy hits him as he thought of Mia preparing something that isn't for him. She used to do that for him when she was still his secretary.

'Damn you Mateo! That's the consequences of making her feel miserable.' His inner self told him which he can't even deny because it is the most definite truth.

The both of them were silent as they wait for the traffic to move when Luke's phone suddenly rang.

Luke picks up the phone and smiles when he saw the caller. Luke turned to him and smirked at him showing his phone to Mateo with Mia's name as the caller, shaking it a bit to tease him.

And that snapped the hell out of him. He would never let another man talk to his Mia!

Just as when Luke was about to tap for the answer button, he instantly snatches the phone out of his hand and raised it above with one hand while his other hand is on Luke's forehead to stop him from reaching the phone.

"Give that back! Mia's calling you big idiot!" Luke grunted as he forces his way to retrieve his phone.

Not over his handsome alive sexy body that he would ever allow any man talk to his Mia. Not even over the phone.

But the idiot Luke suddenly bits his arm making him drop the phone. Luke immediately catches it before it falls and he answered the call.

"Hey Mia, baby!"

What the heck?! How dare he call her with a nickname!

Because he was pissed, he kicked Luke in his side making Luke break his words, "Hi---asdfghjk..." and glares at him afterwards.

He glared back but Luke was not stunned and just went back to the phone. But he kicked him again. "The f*ck, Mi---asdfghjk---" Luke can't help but curse.

Luke tried to kick him back but he shielded himself with his arms.

"Luke, are you okay?" He heard Mia ask with a worried tone in her voice.

He stopped attacking Luke. He did not expect that the call was in loudspeaker and that he was finally able to hear her voice after so many months.

Oh how he missed her voice.

The way she talks is still the same, very soft and kind. It feels like dandelions are softly caressing his ears, tickling him but in a good way. He was mesmerized.

Until he was returned to his senses when Luke answered Mia's question.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, baby." Damn with that baby endearment of his again! First Tsukishima, now this guy? He started kicking him on his side again. "Someone's just--- 'Shut it.'" Luke warned and glared at him. "Someone's just really annoying me here since the traffic started."

He continued on kicking him. 'Oh yeah... I'm gonna annoy you until you drop that call.' For once, he is disobeying his mother's words. But he doesn't care. As long as he is able to shut this man up.

Luke got pissed and started kicking him too. Now the two of them are like kids kicking each other with their feet while they lean on the windows of the car doors and Luke is still on the phone.

"Are you with someone? I thought you're coming here alone? Are you okay?" Mia asked.

Luke answered, "Uhh, no, I-I mean, It's just that this driver beside me is pissin' me off right now. Like, I WOULD REALLY KICK YOU OUT OF HERE IF YOU DON'T STOP MESSING WITH ME!" Luke shouted.

Then one of their kicking pressed the car horn.

He heard Mia chuckle on the other line making him agonize in wanting to see her so bad.

"ALRIGHt LUKE, just make sure you'll arrive here safe okay? Don't make this pregnant lady worry." She said to Luke.

The two of them are still kicking one another.

"Okay baby---ouch---hey!" He kicks him on the face. "Cut it out!"

Of course, he didn't listen.


"I'm fine Mia, I'm almost there. I'm just a few blocks away to the rest house. I still have no idea on when is this traffic going to end." Luke said with an irritated voice. "And talk about good luck, it looks like it's going to rain soon."

He noticed that too. He is seeing flashes of lighting in the sky not so far away from them. It looks like a storm is brewing up because it was followed by a loud bang of thunder.

"I'll be waiting Luke, be careful on your way alright."

"Okay, see you baby."

He cursed in a whisper. "F*ck!"

Luke glared at him.

"Bye." Luke answered, then the call ended.

A pang of pain suddenly hits his heart which made him stop attacking Luke as he noticed how sweet Mia talks towards Luke. She used to talk to him like that, but he's afraid that he is not going to experience that again because of what he did to her. Hit bits his lower lip hard out of frustration.

"It looks like we'll have to wait for the traffic to end before we could proceed to the resthouse." Luke warned. "But I'm telling you, traffics here are really bad because sometimes, it would take an hour before the road clears out."

The rain started pouring and droplets began to fill up the windows. Luke enables the wipers to clear the drops away.

"There's no way I'm gonna wait that long." He's been running out of patience since he was in the airport. He missed her so much. He wanted to see her so bad. It's been months already and hearing her voice earlier added to the desire of seeing her.

He is not going to wait any longer.

"Unlock the door." He demanded to Luke.

Luke with widened eyes turned to him. "Are you crazy? It's already raining cats and dogs! You should have made that decision a few minutes ago instead of kicking me."

He ignored Luke's retort and just glared at him. "Are you going to open this door or I'm just going to break the car window of your beloved car. Take your pick. I'm fine taking the latter, it's your car anyway and I can always exchange it anytime."

LUKE'S EYES widened even more upon the thought of the destruction of his beloved car. He just bought it recently and he hasn't even used it more than a few times.

"Fine." He unlocks the car creating a clicking sound. "Do whatever you want. Just don't blame me if you ever get sick."

Mia's boss is really annoying. How did she even fall in love for this bastard?

Mateo opened the door and he told him to immediately close it because the rain is going inside his baby.

He rolled down the car window. "Are you sure about this?" The rain is really heavy and Mateo is starting to get drenched.

"I want to see her so bad already." Mateo says despite the water running down his face. "And waiting in this stupid traffic would really kill me. I'd rather run through the rain than wait. You said that we're only a few blocks away, right?"

He just shrugged his shoulders and sighed. "Yeah, just straight ahead and make a right on the second corner you see. You'll see a colour pink three-story rest house. It's near the sea and surrounded with a lot of coconut trees. I bet you could easily see it."

Mateo nodded on him. "Okay, thanks for your help so far. I'm gonna go now." Then he started running fast under the heavy rain with nothing to cover himself.

Luke doesn't know if he's being stupid or what.

He thought of calling Mia to warn her about Mateo's arrival, but he decided not to. Maybe it's time that Mia finally gets her happy ever after. But of course, he'll make sure that it's not going to be easy for Mateo.

That stupid billionaire who is late to realize what's important.

'Good luck to you.' He thought.