Chapter 16 - The Party and the Acceptance

Start from the beginning

"It is still a beautiful tune..." He said while staring at the stars too. He swirled the wine glass he was holding and took a sip.

That made her smile. "Thanks..."

Then silence consumed the both of them. But the silence wasn't awkward... it wasn't deafening either, it was a comfortable. And with that peace, made her mind was able to finally consider the decision she has always been thinking.

"You look beautiful tonight." He said as he still stares to the stars.

She smiled. He seems to be in the mood. "Thanks." Must be his bipolarism again.

Silence filled them again...until she broke it.

"Sir Mateo...can I ask you something?" He asked without looking at him.


"Do you still love her?" She knows that it was stupid of her to ask that question. And she definitely knows that she is just hurting herself. But she can't help it. It's her last bell.



He didn't answer. She waited... But no words came out from his lips.

She wanted to assume that silence means yes...but not always... But she told herself that she is not going to assume anymore.


She hears him sigh..."Yes..."

She bit her lower lip, restraining her broken voice to let out and she did her best not to let a single tear run down from her eyes.

She was already expecting his answer. But damn, it still hurts. She raised her head to stop her tears from flowing out. It is time to let herself get used to it. To get used to the pain. And to accept everything.

"Sir... I'm sorry..." she said out of nowhere with a straight voice as much as possible.

"Huh? Why are you apologizing?"

"I'm sorry for always annoying you and for pushing this parenthood to you, even if you told me to stop so many times."

"I realized that it was really wrong of me. It was wrong to push someone to do something that you really want even if they don't want to. I'm so sorry for being so pushy this past few months... Must be my hormones." She chuckled. "But I was having so much fun doing it."

"I was probably that desperate to have my own family that I forgot about what you really want. I did also forget that you hated commitment. Oh... Now that I have thought about, I did forget a lot of things."

A slow music sudden surrounded the room, but only a little of it could be heard from the balcony.

Let me take your hand,

Allow me to stand by your side,

Let me take the lead,

To the journey of our love, my darling.

"But there is something that I will never forget Sir Mateo..." She spoke in a breath.

I know it's not easy,

To love someone like me,

But I will always do everything,

To let you stay by me.

She slowly held Mateo's face with her left palm.

And Mateo was just there, looking at her with those beautiful blue eyes of his. She lets herself be devoured by those eyes again. Like she has always has. Those eyes, those emotionless beautiful eyes that will be embedded in her heart... forever.

She's hoping that her baby will have his father's eyes.


I know that happy ever after,

Is not so far away,

As long as you are there with me,

Guiding my way.

I will always be there for you,

And you'll always be there for me,

I know it's lame to say but,

Baby, Te amare por siempre.

"Te amo, Sir Mateo..." She finally said as the tears she's been holding fell from her eyes.

Please let me take you with me,

To our never ending story,

Let me take you with me,

To our never ending fairy tale.

"Mia--..." He trailed. After everything she had just said, he was just there standing still. Probably dumbfounded because of her 'out-of-nowhere-confession.'

Then, she immediately wiped them away with both of her hands...

"Oh shoot my make-up." She was chuckling as she wiped her tears. She composed herself before speaking again. "I know you don't love me... Like hello... we only had sex...and that was it... Nothing more... But it was everything to me..."

She took a deep breath and exhaled exaggeratedly. "That felt great..." She smiled to him. But her heart is now torn all over again to pieces. "I was finally able to confess to you after all these years... Finally... I can start moving on." She sighed again.

"But I'll still be your secretary... I will always be..." She lied.

She leaned to the balcony again and continued her star gazing. "Beautiful aren't they?" She asked. "One day, I will go find a place where it is just me and the stars... just me and the galaxy..."

She could imagine herself on a hill, with her baby between her lap, pointing at the shooting stars shooting across the dark night sky.

"Mia... I---"

"Mateo there you are?!"

They both turned their heads to the person who suddenly opened the door the balcony.

"Mateo... I've been looking for you everywhere... Don't you want to dance?"

Mateo looked at her. His eyes were searching for something on hers... but she has no idea what it is.

Sydney was already pulling Mateo by his arm. He was hesitant at first, but he slowly gave in and allowed her to drag him out of the balcony and back inside the ballroom.

"Have a lovely night Sir Mateo..." She waved goodbye before Mateo vanished into the crowd of slow dancing couples.

She returned her attention to the stars as she caressed her bump before staring at it to talk to her baby.

"I'm sorry sweetheart... But it looks like it's gonna be you and me from now on."