Chapter 13 - The Deal

Start from the beginning

His lips formed into a thin line. "No... you can't resign... If that baby isn't mine, then you'll just have to stop all this nonsense... Are we clear Ms. Gutierez?" He said before finally departing his office.

Mia was left standing beside his office table with a sad smile on her lips.

'So he doesn't want me leave as his secretary. At least I still have some importance for him.'

THE DAYS flew by so fast that she didn't notice that she already has her baby bump. She proudly smiled in front of the mirror. Grinning as she caressed the life starting to for inside of her.

Although, she is a bit confused. She thought that she would have her baby bump around twelve weeks...but she's only ten weeks along.

'Hmmm... maybe some bellies start mine.'

She hummed happily as she does her morning routine before going to work. After locking her apartment, she departed for another day of work.

Her office days are as hectic as ever... Nothing much has changed. Mateo is still as cold as ever, and bossy.

Nonetheless, she still continues to annoy him with the baby stuffs she leaves on his office desk. In which he would throw away as always...and that she would also pick up as always...

Before, her giving leaving the gifts was one way to put some sense into him that the baby is his... But now, she enjoys annoying him...She craves for it.

Even though he would always throw them away... it wouldn't bother her that much anymore. She can just pick them up at the end of the day and keep it.

It was really fun for her to see his annoyed face whenever he sees the baby thingy.

It was already part of her daily routine.

MIA is currently busy organizing Mateo's schedule when Mateo called her through the line.


'Come inside my office...' He commanded through the line.

'Yes sir...' She answered. She puts down the telephone. She took her clip board with her and entered the office of her boss.

Mateo is in front of his laptop looking as handsome as ever. Never failing to make her heart beat fast. Although all he does is break it.

She mentally sighed.

When she was beside him, he closed his laptop.

"Ms. Gutierez...." He calls her... He never called her Mia again since the day she told him about the baby.

It bothered her for a while, but during the past month, she got used to it...again.

"Book me a flight to Spain. I have some business meetings and seminars to attend to. I'm also going to visit my parents..."

Mr. and Mrs. Dela Cruz? It's been a long time since she last saw them. Mateo's parents have been really nice to her. In fact, it was Mrs. Dela Cruz's idea to hire her.

"Alright sir...When are you leaving?" She asked as she took a note of it in her clipboard.

He took some papers from his table and started reading them. "This weekend... I'll be gone for four months. So you have to take of things here at DC while I'm gone."

'He'll be gone for months?' She bit her inner cheek. 'That's long... But, it's as if I have any choices.'

"Of course, sir...I'll do my best."

"That would be all...You may go now." He said as he signs some of the documents, completely ignoring her.

But then again, she's already used to all of his coldness. She's been bracing herself for all the painful impact it she wouldn't be she won't risk her baby from too much stress.

SHE BOWED her head a little before returning to her table where she didn't notice Mateo's eyes following her as she leaves.

MIA SIGHED for the nth time as she rides the bus home. 'Four months... he'll be gone for four months...' Sadness took over her as she thought of not seeing him for that long. The thought of him leaving her already pains her.

It was pretty obvious that he's going away to evade her schemes of persuading him. He wanted to get away from her.

'Maybe he couldn't take it anymore.' She thought.

He's getting tired of being annoyed every day.

She smiled bitterly. Annoying him every day with the gifts is amusing her... However, deep inside, it hurts her.

She's losing hope every day that he would actually believe her one day. She could feel herself giving up every moment he throws those things away...

If this goes on, she might just actually accept the fact that Mateo will never accept them... or even just her baby.

'Hmmm...No!...' She shook her head vigorously. 'I should not think anything that would stress my baby out... I'm sure he'll come around one day.' She said to herself, staying positive.

'I hope he does...' She sighed again...'Or else, I might really just...give up...' And she doesn't want that.