Chapter 3

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After two weeks of being back to their regular courses, Truham Grammar School and Harvey Greene Grammar School held a combined funeral for all of the students lost in Paris. The ceremony was held in the sports field at the boy's school, which was decorated with flowers and pictures of each of the deceased students.

Although the ceremony wasn't mandatory to attend, nearly everyone showed up to show their respect to their deceased classmates. Even Mr. Farouq and Mr. Ajayi had returned for the funeral.

Students were seated on the bleachers, while Headmaster Barnes stood on the podium, which was moved to the center of the field.

"Good afternoon, students," the headmaster spoke softly into the microphone.

Tara, Darcy, Elle, Isaac, and Tao were sitting together on the grass next to the bleachers, not wanting to be crowded in the mass of students.

"I would like to start the ceremony off by giving respect to all the students lost through the unfortunate happenings in the end of the year Paris trip. I would like to give respect to Harry Green, Ben Hope..." The names went on until he reached Charlie's name. "And finally, Charlie Springs." Headmaster Barnes paused for a moment, allowing the names to be absorbed before they began a minute of silence, sending respect to the deceased.

Once the minute was up, he began speaking once again, "Additionally, I would like to give respect to those who are still recovering, both physically and mentally." Again, he listed names, giving the names of those who were hospitalized from the trip, one of which being Nick Nelson.

Hearing the names read out was what made the events feel so real. Since the beginning of the school year, things have been so different, yet so similar to previous years. It took about a week for the school hallways to get less cold and for people to no longer be afraid to look up in the halls.

Although it would take a while for anyone to heal, it was happening slowly. They now had school work to distract themselves in their every waking action. Unfortunately, there were some teachers who thought that by not providing too heavy of a work load, or homework load, they were doing the students good as they needed time to heal. In reality, it made it all worse.

As some students healed, others remained the same. Nick Nelson, for instance, showed no signs of improvement, but his condition also didn't worsen. His body layed in the local hospital, gaining visitors from all of his friends.

Truham's rugby team had not been doing so well either. After all, they were missing their star player, and then some. Mrs. Singh was thinking of abandoning the rugby team altogether, at least until they can gain more students to join. At the rate that things were going, they would not be able to compete come time. Practices were a mess.

Throughout the ceremony, various speakers went up to the podium to speak. Teachers, friends, peers, and family members of the deceased went up with prepared speeches. Tao noticed that most of the speakers had been a part of the group who went on the trip. His actions hurt many people.

None of Elle, Isaac, Tao, Tara, nor Darcy went up to speak in front of the crowd. Although they all made sure to say something at Charlie's funeral, and always make sure to put time aside to go sit with Nick at the hospital, making sure he is up to date with everything, in hopes that he can hear them, there are things that they would like to say that the entire school doesn't need to hear.

Why should they go up and talk about how amazing of a person Charlie was to a crowd of people who did nothing but shame him for who he liked? Why should they speak positively on Harry Green's behalf after all he put Charlie through? Not to mention, none of them thought that they could get through a speech keeping an audible tone, not bursting into tears at the mention of their deceased friend.

"Next, we'll have Brandy Silvers come up and say a few words,"

Brandy Silvers, a student from Higgs, went up to the podium, placing a piece of paper in front of her, clearing her voice as she prepared to speak.

"Thank you, Headmaster Barnes." She says, turning to look at Truham's Headmaster.

"I am Brandy Silvers, a year eleven at Harvey Greene Grammar School for Girls." She introduced, as if it weren't obvious.

"The Paris trip was a traumatic experience for all. I, myself, was present on the trip. I went on the trip with my friends; Gwen, Treyvon, and Mikayla. I am sure you have all heard that Mikayla Guest, my best friend, was one of the victims who was murdered in Paris." She paused, turning away as she let a tear slip.

"Although I am not accusing anyone of anything, do I think that the criminal is a student at one of our schools? Absolutely. If you ask me-" She was then cut off by Higgs Headmaster.

"Alright, thank you, Brandy." She interrupted, ushering her off of the stage.

"This is just a reminder, that if you ever need to talk, the sources are out there, for more information, talk to your school counselors, or you can also find instructions outside of the office at either school." The girl's school Headmaster stated, pausing before continuing, "Additionally, please remember to leave the detective work to the professionals, there is no reason to believe that any of our students are in any form of danger, so please avoid making empty accusations. Thank you. I will now pass it off to Truham's art teacher, Mr. Ajayi." She said, stepping down from the podium and stepping to the side of the stage, giving full control to the art teacher.

Any lingering talking was diminished at the mention of Truham's beloved art teacher, who no one had heard from since the Paris trip. Those who were involved in the trip were especially attentive.

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