Ch. 10: Stories to Tell

Start from the beginning

I remember hearing them talking in hushed voices. My father was telling her something that had happened, and although he was the one who was always so strong, it was her comforting him. I remember her soft voice telling him it didn't matter. That everything was going to be alright. But I knew it wasn't.

I think that was the moment I realized my mother was not going to get better, and nothing was ever going to be the same again.

Had my father gone to Andrew and Patricia for help? Had he asked them to come see her and they said no? Could they have been that cruel? It would explain the bitterness on my father's face every time I ever asked about my mother's family, and how he would only say that they had done something unforgivable.

If Andrew did refuse to come see his dying daughter one last time, then he is the heartless bastard he claims people call him.

My grandfather leans forward, dragging my thoughts back to the present. "Despite what people may think, I do have a heart," he tells me. "I'm reminded by the almost unbearable pain in my chest every time Patricia asks for Laura. Know this. I would do anything to spare her that pain. Anything."


By the end of the meal, I've agreed to meet with the specialist who is treating my grandmother for dementia. My grandfather has his cell phone number - because of course the normal business hours of a medical practice don't apply to him - and I now have an appointment to meet with Dr. Bancroft immediately upon his return next week from a medical conference he's speaking at in New York on various forms of dementia. Apparently he really is a nationally recognized expert on the topic.

I also tried again to bring up the topic of Max Bennett and why my grandfather reacted so strongly to the name, but he shut that down immediately. I'll have to find another way to find out what happened between my grandfather and Max's father, because it doesn't look like either Max or Andrew are going to tell me.

When I get back to the condo, I'm thinking about my dad, so I pull out my phone to give him a call . It had been in my purse on silent during dinner, and there's a text from Max, sent about an hour ago.

Still at the office?

I reply, Just got back from dinner. Then I add, with my grandfather.

Maybe Max will finally answer my questions about his father and my grandfather.

When he doesn't respond right away, I assume he's back in meetings by now, and sigh. Then I see the little bubbles indicating he's sending a text and I wait impatiently as I head into the bedroom to kick off my shoes and change out of my work suit.

His text appears on the screen. In mtg. I'll call you later.

I'm about to just sent back a thumbs up and set my phone down when the little bubbles appear again.

But it won't be to talk about your grandfather.

I remember our last phone call when I shared a fantasy with Max. And the way his words shot me right over the edge as he promised to make every bit of that fantasy come true.

I'll be waiting, I text back, and this powerful, sexy, a little bit scary man who might be a crime boss sends me back a winky emoji.

A winky emoji.

Before I get too caught up, I push Max and my anticipation for the late night call out of my mind and make the call I was planning to my father before I saw the text.

He doesn't bother with a greeting. "So have you come to your senses yet?"


"I can't help it sweetheart, I don't want you there with those people."

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