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CAM FOUND out that Gina's mom had to move again, meaning Gina needed to go along with her

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CAM FOUND out that Gina's mom had to move again, meaning Gina needed to go along with her. He felt terrible for her, and even though he had tried relentlessly to reach out to her, she hadn't responded.

As for Nini, he hadn't talked to her. He'd tried to send multiple texts her way to apologize, but he had deleted them before he could. Ashlyn had warned him about losing Nini again, and it formed a pit in his stomach.

When he arrived at East High for practice, he was surprised to see that the entire theater had pretty much burned down.

"What happened?" he questioned, coming up beside Nini, who frowned at his sudden appearance. However, her frown faded when she saw the sweatshirt he was wearing— it was one from a trip she'd taken to San Francisco. She'd brought him that sweatshirt home as a gift.

"It's okay, nobody was hurt!" Miss Jenn assured them shrilly, waving her hands around wildly. "There was a small fire in the theater over the holiday and the sprinklers did their job."

"We're almost done in here," a firefighter approached Miss Jenn with a smoking basketball, "just have to finish up in the faculty room next . Some circuits blew in there over the break. Unfortunately the show cannot go on."

"What?" said Miss Jenn, her eyes widening impossibly larger.

"Fire ripped through half of your costumes and the sprinklers ruined a bunch of your sets. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to red tag the entire backstage area for a month at least."

"Did she just say costumes?" whimpered Kourtney sadly, her eyes meeting the ground.

"Okay, okay, listen up." Miss Jenn said, turning to the group. "Hug your neighbor," Nini and Cam glanced at one another out of the corner of their eyes, "take a moment and let's all reconvene in the cafeteria after school to talk about our options. Nini and Cam, spread the word."

"Got it." they said simultaneously, trying to avoid meeting each others eyes.


"Okay, guys!" Miss Jenn approached the group. They were assembled at various tables throughout the cafeteria, and Cam was watching Ricky text Gina over his shoulder. "Wait, where's Gina?"

"I think she's going through a family thing right now." Ashlyn responded, moving over to sit at one of the tables.

"Okay, prayers to our Gina." Miss Jenn looked around for a moment. "I'm really not sure what to say. You've all worked so hard I've seen all of you grow so much. But if we don't have a theater we don't have a show."

"Wait, what?" the group erupted in sounds of confusion and disappointment. Cam felt his heart sink a little, and he looked briefly at Nini.

"Come on, Miss Jenn we've got to do something." Carlos enunciated, his eyes widened.

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