Step-Daughter (W.M)

Start from the beginning

He stands up grabs his stuff then walks out the door.

I just lay on the sofa and take a small nap a little later I wake to my nausea returning . I run to the bathroom and empty the contents of my stomach.

I sit for a minute till I know I'm done. A quick thought flash's my mind I was late so I quickly grab a pregnancy test from the cabinet we had gotten since we where trying for a baby.

" Oh my god" I say looking at the positive test in my hand. I rest my hand on my stomach. Though I want a baby I can't even get a teenager to sit in the same room as me how can I take care of a baby.

I can't really help myself from crying I don't really know why. I feel arms wrap around me and pull me into my his lap. " Wanda what wrong" he ask rubbing my back.

I hand him the test and his face lights up in excitement. " Really  wait what's wrong why are you crying are you hurt or bleeding" he ask swiftly checking over my body.

" I'm fine" I mumbled " why are you crying do you not want a baby I'm sorry Wand god this is all my fault" he says cupping my checks. " I'm just scared I'll be a bad mom" I say quietly.

" Why would you think that darling" he ask softly.
" because I can't even get Lacey to like me, so how can I carry and care for a baby" I say as he drys my tears.

" you'll be more then good because you care the fact your scared shows that, let go have some dinner ok" he says and helps me up and to the kitchen.

9 months later

" Hey" I say as Y/N takes the basket from my arms. " You sit your 9 months pregnant, you can take a few weeks off chores" he says walking down the steps as i waddle down behind him.

" hey I'm perfectly capable of doing things" I whine when we reach the bottom steps. " I know you can do these things.... When your not pregnant now sit before I tie you down" i sigh and sit on the sofa

" Wanda why are you sighing Id be doing back flips if I could get out of chorus" she asks rudely " I'm just sick of you father treating me like I'm made of glass" I yell the last part over my shoulder to my husband.

" Will this make it better" he said handing me a bowl of strawberry from my garden. " oh thank you" I tell him with a kiss he then sit down next to me and I snuggle into him.

" Hey we're my snack" Lacey ask annoyed " You have legs" he tells her which makes her snark back quickly " she has legs so why dose she get special treatment". "Lacey first of all have some respect she's pregnant and when your married and pregnant then I'll get you food until then go get your own food" he tells her as he rest his hand on my bump.

" Whatever" she groaned and got up and walked up the steps.  " Ah" I exclaimed felling a sharp kick in my stomach.

" hey why what's wrong" he asks conserndly " she kickings really hard Ugg" I say feeling another kick.

" Hey baby be nice to your mommy she being so nice keeping your warm and safe in there" he says placing his hand over where she's kicking and she stops.

" she's already a daddy's girl" I say as his phone chimes

" Aw shut I have to go to the compound for a quick meeting are you good here" he ask " Yes I'll be fine" I say as he gets up and grabs a few things before leaving.

I pull myself up to put my empty dish in the sink. I then noticed the laundry was done so I walked over to switch it. In the middle of it I fell a strong contraction in my stomach and I pull myself to the ground. " Ah" I grown loudly " why are complaining about you whiny witch" she asks annoyed. " I felt a really strong contraction" i say as a lighter on comes on ignoring her ignorance".

" Yah whatever I'm going out be back sometime" she says walking away " Wait Ugg" I say but feel water trickle down my legs. I try and reach for my phone but it to high and I can't pull my self up.

I try and use my power but they don't work. " Y/N please come back soon" I say wishing hopefully.

After 2 hours my contractions only got worse and I felt lots of pressure I cry out again not
expecting anyone to come but Y/N runs in and sit next to me. " Oh my good Wanda how long have you been here" he asks concerned.

" Two hours" i mumbled quietly " Wait what where's Lacey why isn't she here" he ask anger now present in his voice. " she left when the contraction started" I whispered as I feel another one.

" ok where are going to go to the compound now" he say scooping me up in his arms and caring me to the car quickly.

I was now laying in a hospital bed in the compounds med wing. Holding my baby girl in my arms. Y/N sat next to me cooing over her as she smiles back.

A few moments later Lacey walks into the room with Nat.
" Found this one smoking with some 18 year olds in a park" she say pushing her forward.

" what is wrong with you" he yells at her I cover baby Liv's ears. " what it not that big of a deal" she scoffs " I'm not talking about what you where doing in the park which we'll discuss later. I'm talking about leaving Wanda your step mom while she was in labor" he continues yelling.

" So I don't care about her or that little brat" she spits at me and Olivia. " That's it I'm sick of the way you treat her Wanda has been nothing kind to you she has tried and tried again and again to get you to treat her with the a little bit of respect which she has more then errand" he says " what if there had been a complication they both could have died and it would have been on you" he say pointing at her.

" Y/N/N baby please we are both ok so just leave it" I plead " You shut your mouth you stupid bitch your the problem and the reason I'm in trouble" she screams at me.

Liv starts crying so I try and calm her wile Y/N starts " I want you to stay here for awhile I'll drop of your stuff later as since you don't like your new family, why don't you go to your room here" he says and turns back to us.

" so your kicking me out for you wife and new kid whatever" she says and walking out.

"I'm sorry she hates you now it's my fault" I say tears welling in my eyes. " Hey no don't blame yourself ok she'll cool of but I'm just glad your all ok" he says. He lightly taps Liv's feet and she giggles and stars reaching for him so he picks her up from my arms. She keeps on smiling and laughing as he plays with her for a wile.

The next morning Y/N was getting us breakfast when Lacey walks in. " I'm sorry Wanda for everything" she says and walks over to the bed and smiles at her little sister.

" It's ok I know your where just upset" I say pulling Liv's hand from her mouth and giving her a binky. " No it not I could have seriously hurt you and Olivia and I had no excuse to be so rude to you when all you where was nice to me and I'm sorry and I know I can make it up to you but just know I always regret it" she says and walks away.

Y/N walks in with the food shortly after " Your bacon my queen" he says with a kiss.
" Lacey come in I know your there" I say and she pokes her head in the door frame and walks over to us. " she apologized Babe so don't go all dad mode on her" I say sternly " Ok babe" he says kissing me again

" Lacey I'm sorry for yelling and you don't have to stay here but try anything even remotely like this again and your grounded for life" he say then brings her into a hug.

Finally where where a big happy family.

I'm back I hope you enjoy it I have a few requests to get out hopefully in the next few days. I hope you all have a great day or night and stay safe.

Elizabeth Olsen / Wanda Maximoff one shots Where stories live. Discover now