With a gentle nudge, Mattie urged Little Blackie forward, their synchronized movements a testament to the bond they had forged. As they embarked on their expedition, her voice carried through the wind, sharing her sentiments:

"But do not worry about my account. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil. The author of all things watches over me. And I have a fine horse." The unwavering faith in her words echoed her unwavering spirit and unyielding determination.

Leaving her beloved family behind, she sent a message of affection through the ether, urging her mother to bestow kisses upon Little Frankie, a cherished pet, and to playfully pinch Violet's cheek, a gesture of love and remembrance. These heartfelt requests served as a reminder that despite the distance, Mattie's affection remained steadfast, anchoring her to the world she temporarily left behind.

Her destination, the Choctaw Nation, lay ahead, promising encounters with unfamiliar landscapes, daunting challenges, and potential allies. Undeterred by the perils that awaited her, Mattie rode forth, her resolve bolstered by her unwavering faith, the support of her family's love, and the strength of her steadfast companion, Little Blackie. Together, they embarked on a quest that would test their mettle and define their legacy, intertwining their fates with the untold mysteries that lay in wait within the vast expanses of the Choctaw Nation.


Pressing onward, Mattie's determined path led her toward Rooster's rope bed, a place where she anticipated finding the grizzled Marshal. As she approached, her senses heightened, detecting the faint waft of smoke permeating the air. A figure reclined in the bed, a hat obscuring their face, creating an air of mystery.

Growing increasingly apprehensive, Mattie drew nearer and decisively removed the hat, revealing the unexpected presence of the elderly Chinese grocer. Startled but resolute, she wasted no time and confronted him, her voice laced with urgency.

"Where is Marshal Cogburn?" she demanded, her tone betraying her mounting concern.

The grocer, lost in a haze of dreams and smoke, reached for his pipe before responding, his manner tranquil and detached from the immediate reality surrounding them.

"He went away," he murmured, his words carrying a sense of ambiguity.

Mattie's anxiety intensified, her determination unyielding as she sought answers. She pressed the grocer further, desperately seeking clarity.

"Away? Where did he go?" she implored, her voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and desperation.

With a slow and deliberate movement, the grocer retrieved an envelope hidden beneath his robe, placing it in Mattie's hands. Closing his eyes, he appeared to drift away, lost in his musings.

Mattie wasted no time and hastily extracted a scrap of paper from the envelope, eager to decipher its contents. Her eyes scanned the words etched upon it, her face contorting with a blend of conflicting emotions—disappointment, determination, and an indomitable spirit.

"Here inside is a train ticket for your return home. Use it. By the time you read this, I will be across the river in the Indian nation. Pursuit would be futile. I will return with your man, Chaney. Leave me to my work. Reuben Cogburn," she read aloud, her voice betraying a mixture of resignation and resolute determination.

Mattie's jaw clenched tightly, her resolve hardening as she crumpled the paper abruptly. The weight of disappointment and realization settled upon her, but it did not deter her quest for justice. With a resolute gaze and unyielding determination, she steeled herself for the challenges that lay ahead. Though the path had taken an unexpected turn, Mattie remained undeterred, her spirit unbroken as she prepared to forge her path toward the redemption she sought.

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