Synopsis, Content Warnings and A/N

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Stolen. Snatched. Taken away in the night, never to be seen again.

Jane is the model student. Smart, curious and has an A in every subject. She's quite the introvert, unless you get to know her.

Tessa is the star athlete. Strong, fast and witty in every way, winning all the competitions she enters. She's a social butterfly, making friends wherever she goes.

They're a match made in best friend heaven.

But when they're in the wrong place at the wrong time, and see something they're not meant to see, they find themselves in danger.

They're smart, strong and resilient, but the question is:

Will it be enough?


A/N: Hi! If you're new, welcome to the shit show and if not you still need to buckle up. I started writing on here back in my fanfiction era (hence the username), but this is an original one with my own original characters. I'm putting Jinxed on here to get over the anxiety of writing it and publishing it, so it's definitely a work in progress. I'll try to update when I can and hopefully this story will all make sense in the end. So, without further ado, I give you Jinxed.

Content Warnings:

- Abduction
- Swearing
- Violence
- Light gore
- Character death

(A/N: If there's any more I'll add it as I go on. This will probably be updated and edited once in a while since writer's block is a bitch and I'm pretty sure it appears when I'm nervous)

(A/N: Because of school and other things I won't really be updating until the Christmas holidays, but I'm hoping to do the prologue soon. See you all then!)

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