midnight vision

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"Why do you love the stars so much?"

Was all i heard at the back.

I said turning back

It was midnight. I thought it was a stranger at first but all i saw was yeonjun.

-i mean. Why you love looking at it so much? Its just a big light from afar..

-well.. Its just relaxing.

-oh alright.

As i was mesmerizing the gorgeous stars. I saw from the corner of my eye.

Yeonjun slowly sitting next to me

-why wont you go back to bed? Its midnight.

-i wanna stay with you.

I smiled at the comment.

We both stared at the stars.

-i wonder how a complete hot gas can be mesmerizing to you.

-i already told you.

Yeonjun just mumbled something which i didn't hear.

-you know. I love stars too.

-i thought it was just a complete"hot gas"?

I said mocking him

I saw him giggling softly.
How cute..

-well. If you love them. I should too

-huh? Why?

-if you love me. I love you too. Isn't that how it works?

I looked at the opposite direction and looked at the ground trying to hide my slight blush.

How can he say that without hesitation?.

I felt my heart beating faster as i felt yeonjun's hand under my chin.

His hand was guiding me to his face .

And he kissed me.

"I love you gyu"

"I love you to juni.."


yeongyu (yeonjun x beomgyu) one shotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu