🩹Isara Mao

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Type: Angst

Overview - It's in the future, like, further than the enstars!! music game. Maybe 5 years after that, Y/n and Mao were married, Y/n got into an accident and so on so forth.


The birds sang lovely songs that morning, and the weather was beautiful, though Y/n Isara kept insisting to stay inside. Her partner, Mao Isara, only sighed and proceeded to make breakfast for the two of them. 

How joyous it was to spend every day with each other, Mao couldn't ask for anything more then what his life was now. He still recalls the day that Y/n had confessed to him back when they were both in Yumenosaki Academy with Anzu and the rest of Trickstars. She wasn't really any different from then, still so awkward when talking to others, and she still procrastinates her work from time to time.

"Maaaaooooo, I don't wanna go anywhere today..." Y/n groaned, trudging out of their shared room and falling on the couch. The redhead let out a laugh, setting up the plates of food.

"Well, I have work today, and I might be home a little late..." He sighed, walking the plates over to the living area. Y/n shot up immediately at the smell of the food but frowned as she processed what her lover had said.  

"Huh? But you promised to watch f/s (My favorite show) with me! And cuddles!" Y/n pouted. Mao thought about the first time they actually went out on a date, they watched Y/n's f/s together. 

The older male set his plate down and held the females 'shoulders, "How about this when I come back, we can do that, and tomorrow since I don't have work, we can go out to eat at f/r (Favorite restaurant)?" 

Y/n's eyes lit up at the suggestion, she nodded and proceeded to eat her food. Mao watched as she hummed a few of Trickstars songs to herself, sure she was a little childish, but there were definitely good qualities to her. Such as her loving and caring personality for those she's fond of.

Mao checked the time, crap, he was almost late! Y/n watched as he quickly rushed around the house, getting bags and water bottles. Just as he was about to go out the door, Mao came back to the couch where Y/n was sitting and quickly placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I'll see you later okay?" Mao smiled, waving from the door.

"Okay, have fun at work! Love you!" Y/n called as he walked out the door. Though it's been around three years since the two got married, it still made Mao's heart flutter whenever she'd say those words. 


"Alright, let's take a break for a bit!" Hokuto announced. He and the rest of Trickstars went out to grab a quick drink from the vending machines in the building. As the group walked, they all spoke about their current lives, family matters, and upcoming events.

"Hokuto, how's your relationship with Anzu going?" Makoto asked, taking a sip from the bottle. The leaders face flushed slightly at the mention.

"Well... uhm, were... uh, getting married in June.." He muttered. Subaru's face lit up with joy as he pounced on the black-haired boy.

The ginger was practically strangling him saying, "Hokke I'm so proud of yoooouu~!" The group let out some laughs before Hokuto turned to Mao.

"Speaking of relationships, what about you and Y/n?" He asked, a smile worn upon his face. 

Mao rubbed the back of his neck, "It's going amazing. I never expected to be married to someone as great as her.."

"Y/n-san is pretty unique, huh?" Makoto agreed. Suddenly, the redhead's phone began ringing, he looked to the others and they give him the 'okay' to pick up. 

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