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Hello! there is 14-15 days left until I post the novel! I also can't wait until season two of JJK/Jujutsu Kaisen, is out! I'm excited, what about you guys? Also I will try to add more detail so it'll be longer!

Sukuna just stared at the cup of ramen, which still had steam flowing upwards hitting his face causing his lower face to be lightly damped. Sukunas stomach felt disgusted eating right now, he wanted to throw up at the sight of food in front of him, his stomach twist and twirled over and over again causing him to let out a small gag, which caught the attention of Megumi who sat next to him as Yuji was slightly annoyed at Sukuna and sat away from him. "You okay Sukuna? You look sick.." Megumi asks, Sukuna scowled at the cup of ramen, just looking at it now disgusted him. He gagged silently before saying, "No.. I feel sick look at food." he turned his head slightly away from the food closing his eyes, and forcing himself to not gag again as it was disrespectful to do of such when eating. "Do you have any disorders or something Sukuna?" Megumi asks another question which made Yuji and Nobara ears perk up slightly, interested in the question. Sukuna on the other hand, his eyes shoots open his entire body frozen and his breathing unsteady, "..." the trio was clearly waiting for an answer form Sukuna who wasn't very eager like them to answer the question being asked. "...Not really..." Sukuna answers, *Not really?! What kind of answer is that you dumb asshole!* Sukuna curses at himself with the answer he provided for the trio, by then, the ramens steam was slowly waring off, thought it's probably still warm, and the perfect temperature to eat right about now. "Not really? What do you mean by that.." Nobara asks, "It's- it's not important.." Sukuna answers, before giving a glace at the ramen before gagging again looking away immediately. "Perhaps, eating disorder?" someone answers, a tall man with black hair, which was tied in a bun, with bangs on one side of his head, he also had a soft smile. "Ah! Hello Geto-sensei!" Nobara says, "Hello Ms. Kugisaki. How are you doing today" Geto asks, "Very well! Thank you for asking sensei." Nobara answers, before taking note to what Geto had just said. "Eating disorder?" Nobara then remarks on what her sensei had said just earlier, "...Yeah..." Sukuna answers, "Please get that check out with a doctor Sukuna. Unless.. he's, still with you.." Geto says 'he' in a very unforgettable tone, before Sukuna nods. It seems to the trio that Sukuna and Geto knew each other. "Ah! I seemed to have forgotten to mention, we have met each other in a very.. remarkable .. place." Geto says grinning before patting Sukunas shoulder and walking out with the things he had bought. "Huh, anymore disorders?" Megumi asks, Sukuna just groans before saying, "Get out of my personal life brat.." before shoving Megumi in annoyance.



Sukuna walked down a alley way, which from the outside, looked like it led to nowhere, but as Sukuna walked into the alley further and further, he stopped at a door. Before opening it, it revealed a very large place filled with jacked men, and loud music, the lights were nearly blinding if you looked up slightly, and in the middle was an arena, it seemed nearly impossible to not hear the loud music from outside, but it was sound proof so no way anyone could hear anything unless the door was opened. Sukuna walked over to the bar and ordered something, "Underage drinking is illegal." someone says, they had with hair, short hair, and bangs, they also whore a hair like hairpin which seemed to be a clip in jewelry in their hair. "The hell you want now Uraume.." Sukuna says, giving an annoyed look at the man. "Just teasing. I'm betting 75k on you. Don't disappoint me now." Uraume says, before handing Sukuna the drink he ordered. "Next up! Sukuna Ryomen, and ------- -------." The crowed cheered as Sukuna entered the arena. Yup, he was participating in something he knew was very illegal. "I'll be the one to beat you Sukuna." brat 1 (A nickname that Sukuna came up with) says, Sukuna rolls his eyes before the match began. About 10 minutes later Sukuna had beat the living soul out of brat 1's body and left as the crowd cheered for Sukuna. He was getting irritated but just ignored his intrusive thoughts and he stepped out, before getting stopped by another figure in front of him, Geto Suguru, "Hello Sukuna." Geto says, "Huh?" Sukuna says as he gets more irritated. "I'm a sensei from your school, Geto Suguru, nice to meet you Sukuna." Geto tells an irritated Sukuna. They had sat down at a bar talking about when Sukunas going to go to school. "Whatever.." Sukuna says, as Uraume gives him some money before leaving. "This shit your doing.. it's pretty damn illegal." Geto laughs as he orders another drink. "No shit.." Sukuna growls out. "Well, we all have to do something to make a living right?" Geto says. "Duh.." Sukuna answers as he chugs him drink. "About -----." Geto says, making Sukuna freeze.

End of Flashback


Megumi bumped into Yuji because of Sukuna pushing him. "Sorry Yuji." Megumi apologizes before pushing Sukuna as well. "Mhm.." Yuji says before taking notice in the bandaged knuckle that Sukuna had on his left fist. "Hey, did you get injured or something.. your hands bandaged up.." Yuji asks as he continues to look. Sukuna just shoved his hand into his pocket saying. "Don't interfere in my life.. unless you want to be endangered.." "Ooo~ is that a threat? Scary." Nobara chuckled with Megumi, as Yuji stare intensifies, causing the two to shut their crap realizing that it sounded more like a warning. "I.. punch a brick wall in anger.." Sukuna says an obvious lies, that of course no one believed but acted like they did.

ToT plan failed it was shorter! Lost my motivation cause it's 11:59 PM and I need to work on the novel! Sorry guys :( Bye! Stay healthy!

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