Jealousy, Jealousy (Eric x Ariel) + Vanessa Alt. Ending

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Request: Alternate ending where Ariel fights Vanessa and Eric gets upset at her.

note: the first half of the story is the same, so if you'd like to skip to the new part feel free :)

"eric.. stop.." I say in between laughs but he keeps his arms around me while kissing my shoulder.

"Nope. Never. That's impossible." I look at him and find an opening to fall on my back, facing him. He leans down and kisses me, god this is hot.

"I hope i'm not interrupting something.." a voice says as me and Eric both turn to the door to see her. Vanessa. What is she doing here?

I slid up from my position on Eric's couch, and I see Eric with a red face out the corner of my eye.

"Sorry.. hey Vanessa."

She plasters a smile on her face and then holds the books out in front of her, "We have a study session, now." She says, hinting at me to leave.

Eric looks at me and sends a apologetic smile, "I'll see you tonight, okay?"

"We have a lot of work, that depends." Vanessa adds.

I fake a smile and kiss Eric on the cheek before making my way out of his dorm.


"So where should we start?" I say as she chuckles. I raise an eyebrow in suspicion, "what?"

"Your just cute, that's all." She says, playing with my curly hair. I send a uncomfortable smile, but she doesn't seem to get the hint.

"We should hurry, me and Ariel have—"

"Plans? Not anymore, according to her." I look at her with a crooked face, should I believe her? I tried to see the best in people, but Vanessa had just been weird lately.

She sighs, giving into me, "Fine. She has plans with that guy, Auburn? She says there just friends but.. the texts prove otherwise."

Nope. Just a plot to make you jealous.

"Thanks for being concerned, but Ariel already told me the situation with Auburn." I trail off waiting to see her reaction, but continue when she's left with nothing to say, "She's helping him with LIT, he's failing."

Vanessa falls back onto the couch with relief, "Oh thank goodness, I was worried you knew— um.. yeah."

Okay, what was she on about?! I had to know, I mean I trust my girlfriend, but no one goes THIS far?

I grab the books in Vanessa's hand and place them on the Otament in front of us, "Say it."

Vanessa looks away, but shortly after decides to pull out her phone.

"Look at this." She says, offering me her phone. So I looked.. and..

"what is this?" I ask. The video shows Ariel and Auburn speaking to each other.. but it's off?

"He'd never have to know, love"

"But he would, you wouldn't understand."

I shoved the phone aside, "Vanessa, stop this! It's fake. They're not together."

"Eric! She told me she wants to be with him. That's why i've been so cold towards her!"


Was Eric seriously accusing me of cheating at the bar, in front of our friends?

"Eric, what the hell are you talking about?" This is the third time, THIRD TIME this week that you've questioned me because of something—"

Vanessa. It was Vanessa.

"Did Vanessa tell you this?" He stammered to find the right answer. What the hell.


"And you believed her." I just couldn't do this with him anymore, this wasn't the first time.

I turned my head and saw Vanessa, that bitch, I thought.

I rushed over to her, ignoring Eric's cries for me to stop. I grabbed Vanessa and pulled her into the middle of the room.

"Why are you spreading lies about me to MY boyfriend?"

Vanessa chuckled, "About Auburn? Cmon, Ariel, we all know it's true." Light snickers could be heard around the room, which only made things worse.

"It's not true at all, actually, I was helping him with acting lines—" I see out of the corner of my eyes, a helpless Eric feeling guilty.

"Well, that's a shame, Eric already has his eyes set on me." that's it.

I slapped her to the ground and she screamed in agony. She got up and before I could recall what happened next, blood surrounded my face. I suppose i've been punched? Faint screams and cries were heard as people ran out of the bar.

"Ariel!" I hear a faint voice in the distance.

"E- Eric.." I cried. what had I just done? I had fallen right into Vanessa's trap.

My eyes opened to a room that was familiar. Eric's room. Pain shot through my head, and I groaned loud enough to get Eric's attention.

"Oh good, your awake." Eric says, sliding right next to me with an ice pack. "Take this."

I take the ice pack, but to my dismay Eric doesn't seem happy. I know I messed up, but what do I do?

I look at his curly hair, and as much as I want to play with it, the moment is not particularly great.

"Eric.. are you mad?"

"I'm not mad.. i'm just upset." He says, and the room falls silent.

"Eric i'm sorry, I didn't know what to do and I freaked out. I- I probably looked crazy." Thinking about it, I looked at fault.

Eric sighs, and inches closer to me, "No, i'm sorry. I shouldn't be upset with you, Ariel. I was the one who believed the stupid accusation about Auburn. I promise to never feed into Vanessa's lies ever again."

I smiled and he squeezed my hand, making me feel at ease. "It's okay, we both have a lot to learn I guess."

"I already told Vanessa she isn't helping me anymore." I couldn't help the smile that crept up on my face, once again.

I ran my hair through his rough curls, and he leaned closer into me, giving into my magical hands.

"Wait, I should be comforting you." He says, pushing my hand away. I giggle as I lean into his chest.

"Get some sleep, love." Sleep? I look up at him in shock.

"Wait, what time is it?"

"1am." wow, he stayed up that long for me?

"Good thing tomorrow is Saturday." I say through a light laugh. I lay my head back on Eric's as I slowly fall asleep, with a smile on my face.

hey guys! let me know which ending you liked better. Im also thinking about doing a whole prince eric fanfic so let me know lol, please send in more requests if you want! 💗

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐌𝐀𝐈𝐃 imagines Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora