2: Shock

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Are you sure that you can summon ghosts?? - Unknown

Yes, I'm su- (shocked) - Zhan

Ohh!! Then show me, i wanna see how will i look whe- (shocked)

(The thin fog which is in between Xiao Zhan and the unknown person has vanished and they can be seen by each other clearly)

You!! Why did you dress up like him?? And why the hell are you looking like me huhh?? - Zhan

That should be my question, why are you looking the same as me and wait what are you actually wearing ?? - Unknown

I'm wearing pajamas and who are you, what's your name, why are you here?? And is this really, i mean is this place really called..- Zhan

You don't know me?? You just said my name before, didn't you??
Yes this place is called Burial mounds which is present in yilling- unknown
(Says while pointing it's entrance)

(Shocked plus a pale face) (gulp) Y-you a-are W-WEI W-WUXIAN??- Zhan

(Clears throat) I am, and follow me inside the cave and explain yourself who you are, where did you came from, and why you look like me!!- Wei Wuxian

(As he says he starts to walk inside the burial mounds with maximum velocity/ super fast)

[Why Wei Wuxian is talking too coldly, doesn't he like me being all funny and friendly and (gulps) what if I have to face lan wangji?? Will he be colder than the great yilling Patriarch ?? God i will just die when i get cold glares from a real lan wangji if he see me being as same as wei wuxian] - Zhan thoughts

(Wei Wuxian followed by Wen Ning and Xiao Zhan crossed the entrance of burial mounds, zhan wanted to walk slowly as he is new to his place, he wants to explore this whole place, but he can't as Wei Wuxian was walking too fast, so does Wen Ning)

[Wait Wen Ning is here, oh my God he just look as same as Yu Bin, this explains why me and Wei Wuxian look alike] - Zhan thoughts

(Soon they reached Demon Subdue Pavilion, Wei Wuxian stood near the entrance, turned and said)

Come in- Xian

(Xiao Zhan entered demon subdue Pavilion then followed by Wen Ning, Zhan was shocked to see that the inside of wei Wuxian's pavilion is just like a luxurious room of a big mansion with all the things needed)

[Woahh!! This is awesome, just outside looks a bit scary but inside is just like a huge mansion]

Is this called Demon Subdue Pavilion??-Zhan

What should i call it instead??-Xian

Ahh- Nothing, i was just asking- Zhan

Care to explain?? And how did you came here, your name??- Xian

Well my name is Xiao Zhan and I actually live in China, i don't know why but i can say that I slipped and fell into the pool beside me and when i was coming out if the pool I felt something is pulling me, i lost my consciousness, when i opened my eyes i was in the air falling down, i lost consciousness again and when i regain my consciousness i saw myself on the floor, i got up and was calling Bo-di to come out then you found me.
Seeing these all things I'm sure that I time traveled to

Author: Hope you loved thi chapter guys, don't forget to vote, I'll update next chapter soon, bye bye
Love you all ❤️❤️

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