5 - You wish

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Carmen dug her house keys out of her back pack and unlocked the front door. She already knew that her parents weren't home because their cars weren't in the driveway. Most of the time her parents came home at the same time. Her and Ethan had at least 3 or 4 hours to work on their project before they would be home and start asking questions. Carmen opened the door and let Ethan walk in before her. She closed the door behind them and locked it. She watched as Ethan analyzed her families home. He noticed all the old pictures of her family from their home country, the baby photos of Carmen, and the family pictures of her, her mom and her dad. Carmen walked past him and into the kitchen. She pulled out a chair from the kitchen island and sat her backpack down with a thump. She walked over to the fridge and opened it looking for a drink and a snack. After a few seconds she felt a presence behind her.

"Got anything good in there?" Ethan asked nonchalantly.

He's chest as pressed up against her back, and his head was in between her shoulder and the door trying to get a peak into the fridge.

"Have you ever heard of personal fucking space?" she snapped quietly.

He stepped back and raised his hands in defense. She took out two bottles of water, and walked over to the pantry and grabbed some chips. She grabbed a bowl from the cabinet over the dishwasher and poured some into it.

"Want some?" she asked, not bothering to look at him. That didn't stop him from watching her move around the kitchen.

"No i'm good," he replied.

She filled it all the way up knowing he's probably going to eat off it. She picked up the bowl and grabbed her backpack off the chair. She began walking towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?" he asked turning his head to watch her.

"To my room? You comin?" she replied waiting for his answer. Their eyes met and she felt like he was seeing straight into her soul.

He didn't say anything and just picked up his backpack and followed her upstairs. Once she made it upstairs they walked down the hallway and she opened her bedroom door all the way. He watched as she sat the chips and bottled water on the love seat in front of her bed and tossed her book bag on her bed. He sat his backpack against the love seat and sat next to it on the floor. She went into her bathroom to freshen up and then came back out to Ethan with his laptop out and the bowl of chips in his hand. She plopped down beside him, and crossed her legs. She forgot to grab her bag of the bed so she got up on her knees and leaned over the love seat pulling it off of the bed. Ethan noticed as her shirt lifted up a bit. He looked away immediately and tried not to focus on her exposed skin. She sat back down crossing her legs again. She unzipped her backpack pulling out her laptop continuing on the project. They worked separately for a little while, too afraid to talk to each other.

"Do you want me to send you the powerpoint so you can edit it too or just type all the information into one?" he asked clearing his throat a bit. Glancing over at her quickly before back at his computer.

"Uh doesn't matter to me." she responded brushing her hair behind her ear, while continuing to look down at her computer.

He stared as she did so, admiring her side profile. She continued to click and type on her computer not looking up once. Focused on getting the project done. After he snaps out of staring at her he goes back to researching things on his computer. Moments pass before they speak again.

"Why don't we do this... one person can type the information into the slides and the other finds the research?" she asks this time actually looking up at him.

He looks over and nods, agreeing with that work strategy.

"Works for me, i can do the typing and you can do the research?" he said beaming a bright sarcastic smile.

Pretty Boy - Ethan MoralesWhere stories live. Discover now