1 - Last First Day

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Carmen always hated first day of school, she didn't see why she had celebrate having to sit through 8 long and boring classes. But this year she was excited, she felt like something was going to be different about the last first day of school. She was proud to be a senior and proud of all the hard work she put in so she could get into a good college.

She woke up early enough to get dressed and ready for school. Carmen ended up picking out a floral dress and a jean jacket, with a pair of converses. She gave herself a once over in the mirror by her bedroom door before walking out of her room. She snagged a poptart on her way out the door. Her parents were hardly ever home, her mom always on call at the hospital and her father working on a case at his law firm. Although her parents may seem like the typical always working parents, they worked hard so they can give Carmen the life they didn't get to live. Her family moved from Honduras when her mother was pregnant with her. That's why they are always hard on her when it comes to school and getting good grades.

She was excited but also nervous about seeing everyone at school. She'd been gone all summer long, in Miami with relatives. She worked at a local restaurant her uncle owned and helped out at her cousins surf shop. She had one of the best summers of her life, and it really showed in her appearances. She had a bikini tan line and hair that shined a golden auburn. She was more fit from carrying surfboards and plates full of delicious food. Her style changed since she was gone and especially since everything at home didn't really fit anymore. Carmen's main goal this school year is to stand out and make more friends this year. The past three years she's been so focused on getting good grades and making her parents proud that she's barely been able to actually enjoy highschool.

Carmen was stuck in her thoughts on her walk to school. She kept going back and forth between how she planed to stand out this year. I mean she might as well be a new student the way she was so invisible at Sherman Oaks.

She was crossing through the parking lot when she saw a bunch of boys she can only assume is the "Hot Pocket" groupies. The hot pockets are basically a group of delinquents who did dumb shit for no reason. They are never in class, always out partying, and hooking up with basically every girl in school, and if they weren't then every girl in school wanted to hook up with them.

They were all skating around but she could barely hear them over the loud music playing through her airpods. She made it past them and was about to head inside when a boy with curly brown hair and a flowy flannel zipped past her. She almost loses her footing because of it. She huffs before taking out one of her airpods and turning around. Looking for the boy in question. He's now off his board talking to his pack of dumbasses. She storms up to him while his back is turned and says

"Hey fucktard, watch where you're going before you run someone over."

He's fully turned around at that point and he just chuckled and glanced at his friends before taking a step closer, as if they weren't close enough already.

"Yeah? and what are you going to do about it...princess?" he says towering over her.

They share eye contact for what seemed like forever, he eventually smirks as she steps back from him. She scoffs, not failing to roll her eyes either, before turning around walking towards school.

"Would you like for me to open the door for you your highness?" he calls over to Carmen.

"Fuck off, asshole" she bites back continuing inside the building.

Her mood this morning has dropped just by one interaction with an idiot like that. She could hardly remember any of the hot pockets names, they never interested her. They were all the same, troublemakers who think it's cool to be an asshole. And he is like no other, he's probably the worst of the worst. He obviously has no respect for the world around him or the other people living in it. She gets furious just thinking about it, and to speak of the devil he and his goon squad were walking the hall in what felt like slow motion. She watched as every girl stopped in her tracks just to get a glimpse. Carmen just didn't understand what they could possibly find attractive or intriguing about guys like them. She watched as they slowly pasted by and he didn't fail to notice her watching and winked at her. She flipped him off and slammed her locker deciding to go to first period early.

She walked into Calculus finding a spot near the back of the classroom. There wasn't many seats left but she was happy she scored one in the back. "What's the point in standing out in Math class" she thought. Especially since it's just a class filled with smart freshmen or seniors who didn't want to take statistics. She scrolled on her phone until the last bell rung and the last kid came strutting in. She hadn't paid much attention until the person plopped into the desk beside her. She glanced over, noticing a familiar flannel and sneakers. She decided not to acknowledge him or even acknowledge that he was looking at her. The teacher began to talk about the requirements and syllabus and everything else. It wasn't until maybe halfway through the class when he decided to bother her.

"Funny seeing you here...princess" he spoke leaning towards her.

She continued to ignore him and scroll through her phone. He snatched her phone and she was gearing up to protest, but before she could the teacher looked back at them and they both plastered attentive looks on their faces.

When the teacher went back to explaining something, she leaned closer towards him saying, "give me my phone back, jerk." Her tone unwavering.

He smirked and said "So now you acknowledge me? and you know i'm doing you a favor...staring at your phone too long isn't good for your brain."

She rolls her eyes holding her hand out for him to place her phone in. He looks at it before going in it and type something. She tries to grab it from him nervous about what he's doing in it.

"It rude to snatch things from people, princess" he continues to tease.

At this point a few wandering eyes catch glimpses of their interaction. He finishes typing on her phone and the screen on his lights up. He hands her her phone before turning back to the teacher with a smirk shining brightly on his face. She opens up the message sent from her phone,

"For when you want to yell at me some more." She read the contact name cringing at the kiss emoji by his name. Ethan. She thought about texting nasty remarks but she knew that he would only get a rise out of it. She turned off her phone and let the rest of the period slowly pass by. She was counting the minutes before she'd get to escape the terror that is Ethan.

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