"Oh god." The words sounded like a cry and exhale at the same time. The fucking waterworks started and I buried my face in my hands. You reached out to touch me, and I pulled away like your hands were lit matches, and my tears were gasoline. I got out of that car, and did my awkward little walk/run to our apartment.

Our home. Our cozy little space with your art on the walls and my records on the shelves. I realised then that you were always what made it a home. You were the home. A motel room, a friends place, a park bench, or anywhere I'd been for even five minutes felt like home as long as your presence was there.

Now our apartment was just a sanctuary. From you and the rest of the world.

No one could hurt me there.

No one but me. And I'm not blaming you or putting the fault on you. But I took that pain you had given me when we broke up and kept feeding it to myself until it grew. Just days and weeks of lying in bed and torturing myself because I felt I deserved it. Because if you, who loved the most broken things in this world, had tried and failed to love me, maybe I didn't need to be loved, right?

I know now that that's not true, but at the time pain had been so constant it almsot felt secure. It almost felt safe. How could I feel anymore pain when it was all I ever felt anyway?

That night though, I called Mack from seventh grade. The first person to want me and them realise they didn't anymore. I needed to know why.


This is gonna be one of those fun stories I cam write even amidst the turmoils of life. Which means constant updates.

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