1. Creation

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It was a nice sunny day in Liverpool, the contestants for the Eurovision song contest 2023 have just all been announced, many were so eager to see it perform on stage. Who knows, some people say it will be the best Eurovision they have hosted yet...

When all of a sudden...

*Hannah Waddingham has created The Eurovision Song Chatters and has added Julia Sanina, Alesha Dixon, and 30+ others*

Hannah: Hello everyone! It is great to see you guys participate for your country for Eurovision 2023, in Liverpool. So great!

Loreen: And... why specifically did you make this?

Jan: Exactly... what is the point..?

Hannah: Well me, Alesha and Julia decided because this year is "United by music" we decided to create a chat for you all to speak towards the contestants... and form a bond, maybe even still have your friendship after Eurovision!

Alika: Eek! I am so excited to see you all, shall we all give introductions?

Käärijä: Yes, I am Käärijä from Finland, with the song Cha Cha Cha! Uh, it's crazy, it's party!

Loreen: And I am Loreen, my song is Tattoo and a previous Eurovision Winner of 2012, presenting Sweden!

Julia: Just imagine if Loreen wins again... Julia chuckles, as many people start to notice this brand new chat

Mae: Hello everyone, my name is Mae Muller. My song is "I wrote a song" and I will be presenting the United Kingdom.

Just wait and watch when Mae comes in second to last...

Everyone gives all their introductions, as we all tell us the songs and countries.
When all of a sudden...

??? has joined.. but how?

Alessandra: Who the hell is that?!

Dion: I ain't sure... but whoever that is.. sure doesn't belong here.


Graham: Oh... I thought this was a finalists chat...

Everyone sighs suddenly, and almost tried not to send laughing emotions.

Hannah: Oh for god sake Graham.. we don't even know the finalists yet!!!

Graham: Right.. sorry everyone.
Graham Norton has left The Eurovision Song Chatters.

Time skip to about 1:00am United Kingdom Time.

Teya and Salena have come online.

Teya: Poe
Salena: Poe
Teya: Poe
Salena: Poe
Teya: Poe
Salena: Poe
Teya: Poe
Salena: Poe
Teya: Poe
Salena: Poe
Brunette has come online.

Brunette: What time even is it for you two...

Teya: And why are you still up, what time even is it in Armenia?

Brunette: It's like 4,5 o clock.. I usually wake up at this time.

Salena: Oh.. right.. We will both leave now.. am I right, Teya?

Teya: Sighs Yes Salena..

Teya and Salena have both gone offline.
Noa has gone online.

Noa: U-KNEE-CORN? No, it is Unicorn!

Brunette: Noa, I get you have the same time at least of me, but shouldn't we be texting in this chat? After all, all of us are in different time zones for now, and we don't really leave for Liverpool for a whole month. In addition to that, most of them are asleep and could have their notifications on???

Noa: Right, sorry.

Noa and Brunette have gone offline.
Käärijä has gone online

Käärijä: It crazyyyy, it a partyyyy!! He cheers loud on and on.. whatsss thisss...

Bojan and Alika have gone online, they have been woken up by all of their notifications.

Bojan: Why are you we still talking here at 2 am... 😭

Käärijä: Say waaattt... I can't here yaaa mama..

Alika: Käärijä... are you freaking drunk?? Go to bed.

Bojan: Yea Käärijä.. that is not good for you.

Käärijä: Ugh fineee... but can we still talk tomorrowwww?

Hannah has gone online.

Hannah: Exactly, and speaking specifically about why I have received at least 50+ notifications from this groupchat at 1 am British time... it is very unhealthy...

Käärijä: WAT FUCK!!?

Hannah: Especially you... Käärijä... you're literally drunk.. now all of you go to bed!


Alika has gone offline
Hannah has gone offline
Bojan has gone offline

Käärijä: Niinku cha cha cha...

Käärijä pulls up an all nighter.. but no one needs to know that!

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