Rufus Barma x Reader Guilty

Start from the beginning

His jaw dropped slightly and he stomped towards you.

"I do not sound like that in the slightest!" He stated as he stood in front of you, placing both hands on his hips.

You grinned "yes thou does" you said playfully to which his eyebrow gave a slight twitch.

"Thou art even speaking in proper-nrr! I knowest what thou is trying to play! Thou art trying to get thine goat!" He pointed to you.

You bit your lip, that was it you couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Haha!" You giggled loudly which made Rufus' eyes go wide, he pouted his brow as well as his lips.

"Thou art enjoying thine self?" He asked and you nodded, he looked at you as you hunched over still laughing.

He couldn't help but smile and let out a sigh, if you were smiling he didn't care how much you teased him though sometimes it annoyed him.

He walked past you after giving your head a small pat and picked up the picnic blanket that you had dropped.

"Wouldst you help me?" He asked, you blinked in surprise and smiled "yes!"

The two of you set up, sat down and enjoyed your day at the park together until it was nearing nightfall and Rufus said that it was time to go.

You snuggled against Rufus' arm as he looked out the window of the ongoing carriage.

You let your eyelids fall, enjoying his warmth as though he was a blanket.

He smiled and looked down at you beside him.

"Today twas very enjoyable" He said as he patted your head.

"I'm glad you liked it. It seemed like you needed some fresh air" you said with a small yawn.

"Tis true.. I did.." he muttered as he returned his eyes to looking out the widow.

Things were quiet for sometime until Rufus spoke up "(Y/n).. do you love me..?" He asked making your eyes shoot open.

You blinked "of course.. what makes you ask such a strange question?" You questioned.

He paused for a moment "..nothing.. I just wanted to hear you say that.." he muttered and you frowned your brow.

"a-Alright.." you said and things once again became quiet, well that is until Rufus spoke up again but this time with a stranger question.

"Do you.. find me selfish?" He asked and you sat up, you looked at him as he kept his eyes locked on looking out the window.

"More then anyone, but what does that matter? Rufus what is wrong? Rufus?" You asked as you gave his arm a small tug.

He hesitantly looked at you, keeping his eyes from meeting yours until the last moment.

He smiled weakly "as of late I hath been thinking.. " he began and a knot of worry grew in your stomach.

"..Thinking about our differences such as..age.." your eyes widened and you tightened your hold on his arm slightly.

"Rufus I don't care how old you are-" "(Y/n) it tis a difference of over forty years.." he stated, cutting you off completely.

You looked down and shook your head "still.." he reached out his free hand to you, placing it on your jaw and reverting your eyes back to himself.

"I hath came to realize that I shalt pass when you art still young thus forth leaving you alone for a very long time.." he stated and you tried to avert your eyes.

'Why is he saying all this...? I know... I know but still..' you thought, feeling as though you might cry.

"I feel guilty for allowing you to fall in love with thee..and..and that mayb-"

"SHUT UP!" You shouted, cutting him off.

You looked at him with your large tear filled (E/c) eyes and Rufus felt a pain in his chest.

He thought that by telling you this and by severing your relationship he would save you from future pain, but now..seeing the Beautiful (E/c) eyes he loved so much shed tears made him only feel guilty and that all he wanted to do was things that would make you love him more.

He bit his lip, biting back the urge to embrace you but then you embraced him. Knocking his one hand to the side and embracing him by the waist.

You buried your face into his chest "I know! I know all this Rufus! But..but it doesn't matter! I don't care if I have to live my life alone one day! Because...i-it would hurt more to never have loved you.. I would regret that.. so please.. please don't break up with me!" You announced as tears trickled down your face.

Rufus' eyes widened, he had never thought of that or of your feelings towards this matter.

He paused for a moment then held you back with one hand and put the other under your chin, forcing you to look up at him.

He looked into your eyes before closing his and kissing your lips, uttering a few words before doing so.

"I'm sorry, I'm an idiot please forgive me.."

Your eyes slowly fell and you kissed him back well clinching onto his coat.

After a few moments passed you released him, having dominated the kiss and kept your lips locked for an obscene amount of time at an attempt to keep him close.

You backed up and looked into his eyes ".Yes you are! And I will.. but only if you promise to never.. ever say something like that again!" You stated.

He smiled and nodded "I swear, I love you" he said and kissed your tears away, you smiled.

"I love you too"

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