Aokiji: Why didn't you run away like you always do? If you'd acted on your own, you could have gotten away from CP9.

Robin: I told you, it was different this time. I couldn't abandon them. I just couldn't leave them to die.

Aokiji: Twenty years ago, the giant who fought for Ohara, Jaguar D. Saul, was a close friend of mine. From that day on, I continued where he left off and helped you escape that island. Since he gave his life to protect you, it's my duty to follow you and make sure you don't waste your life! But even after 20 years, you still hadn't found anyone or anything you could rely on. I decided that I couldn't let a ticking time bomb run around under my watch. Frankly, I assumed that you had a death wish. I had intended that Enies Lobby would end the story of Ohara once and for all. Of course, I never expected that your friends would beat CP9. Have you finally found a place where you can feel safe?

Robin: Yes.

Aokiji: And you feel safe even though your new boyfriend is a devil host? One of the most dangerous things in the world?

Robin: Yes.

Aokiji: He could still be taken over by the devil, you know. It's a very high probability, especially since he's used its powers before.

Robin: But he won't. I know he won't. If I didn't trust him, I wouldn't have gotten feelings for him in the first place.

Aokiji: Hmph. It's a big risk you're taking.

Robin: I know, and I accept the risk willingly.

Aokiji: Very well. I don't know if it was right or wrong for Saul to let you live. But maybe you can answer that question for me?

Robin: I intend to.

Aokiji began to walk away.

Aokiji: Then live out your life and prove to me that Ohara is still alive. By the way, you're putting Ohara's existence on the line by being with that devil host. Just thought I'd let you know.

He walked off. Robin ran to the other side of the wall and found that he was gone.

Robin: Aokiji!

Luffy called out Robin's name.

Luffy: Robin! Over here!!

She looked at him and saw that he had put two skewers in his nose which stretched down to his lower lip. His cheeks were full of meat.

Luffy: <muffled> You eatin' enough meat?!!

Chopper and Sogeking started dying of laughter.

Robin: <sweating> That's great, Luffy! Maybe I should try that too.

Luffy: Yeah, do it, Robin!!

(Y/N): <horrified> No!! Don't do it, Robin!!


A little while after the party, the Straw Hats were all gathered in their Galley-La room.

(Y/N) had a newspaper in his hands. He was reading it to the crew.

(Y/N): Huh. The attack on Enies Lobby is in here, but there's no mention of the Franky Family at all.

Sanji: Really? What's going on? After all the trouble they caused... <to Luffy> Did your grandfather pull some strings and say that they were just innocent bystanders?

Luffy: I don't think he knows how to do complicated stuff like that.

Nami/Chopper: What Luffy said.

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