Episode 12 : 'Life pt: 1 '

Start from the beginning

Izzy stood up started moving her hands and had more body language " well I actually was only 3 when my actual parents got divorced and then I was 7 when my mom married dad .. so I don't have that good of a start to my story ..but it was good from the time javi and I became siblings..... one of the best things was to annoy javi while waking javi him up to get to school and going school together and stuff but one thing that sticks to me is doing karoke together ..even though we find it a little cringe now.. but we still love it ..and then we would celebrate Christmas together ..one of my fewest times I remember .Dad always took us to many sports events .. he loved sports so much that is how I discovered my passion for sports..." Zayto " Well Seems you had a lot of fun " Izzy " ohh.. I did "

Zayto " So.. who's next ?" Javi " Well I got my passion for music from my mom she would listen to the best music and made my love for music grow ...and since Izz did talk about me I would like to tell that what she just said is what we experienced and that too all together so I don't have a different story except for not being the favourite child " Zayto giggled " fine .. fern would you like to go next ? " Fern " No.. I am good and there's nothing much to know from me " Izzy whispered to her " If you don't want to say it then I totally understand " Fern "hmm.. so.. yeah .. Nothing just you know having fun time with my cousin minh a lot playing tea parties and imagining we were princess.. Nothing much really "

Zayto gave a concerned yet satisfactory look " fine....Amelia " Amelia " Ohh... So I don't have that great childhood either you know because we'll I didn't have my parents I always wondered what happened to them  but don't get me wrong pop- pop was an amazing parent.. We would spend time together ..he would read me bedtime stories..and also a lot of story books specially fictional which were related to ghosts and Monster's .. I had amazing friends growing up in school and out of school.. so I was really happy with everything I had and I am still today with what I have " Zayto “ Only one thing what are bedtime stories?” Fern “ Those are stories that we read to kids before they go to bed ” Zayto “ wow seems interesting ”

Zayto " Ollie? " Ollie " Oh.. please don't ask me that cause I won't be able to lie to you " Zayto " Why what happened? " Ollie " The first ten years of my childhood were horrible! my parents were always fighting and they got divorced when I was 4 so for the next 6 years of my life they both were fighting in the court for me .. who will keep the child and after a lot of court sessions My mom finally won and thankfully I was never at that place again ...then we started world wide tour so things got better..and .. I saw everything from the great Wall of china to the liberty statue in New York ... Everything... It was a wild tour .. I learned fencing..karate.. theatre..ballet ..” Zayto “ What is ballet?” Solon “ It's a dance form ...Reine told me that they both were together in ballet and many other classes ” Ollie “ Yes ...my mom and her mom were really close so it was common for us to keep meeting and be close friends ” Zayto “ ohh why didn't you told us that you were a dancer ?” Ollie “ We'll I was pretty embarrassed to talk about the fact that I took ballet classes ” Reine “ The only class you didn't get at the top of but we're still good at ” Izzy “ Wow ” they all laughed away the talk ...

Amelia “ How was your childhood? Back on rafkon I mean ... it really must be very different from ours ” Aiyon “ Ohh my time on rafkon was amazing ” Izzy “ So won't you tells us about it ? ” Aiyon “ I'm down .. zayto ? ” Zayto “ yeah ..but  why don't you go first ?  ”

Aiyon “ So when the baby is born there is a huge ceremony kept for naming the baby it's wonderful.... But there's a catch parents only do it for their first child..mostly ... Then our giffa day which is what we call to our actual day we are born ... Just like how birthday is celebrated on earth ... then  at okoro which is our school .. we learn so many activities from there dancing.. fighting.. painting.. music .. everything.. I even met Zayto there and since then we were inseparable... except for one time though .. We had many friends ...and we had such a good time ... And we all were pretty good friends too when we became knights”

Orria entered “ What's happening here ? ” Reine went ahead and helped her sit down .

Javi “ Aiyon and Zayto were telling about their childhood back on rafkon ” Reine “ And now since you are here .. would you like to say something too ? ” Orria “ Sure.. but let Aiyon continue first ”

Izzy “ So that ceremony only for the elder child  ” Aiyon “ Yes, Only for the older / first child ” Fern “ That seems cool as an only child ” Ollie “ Agreed ” They all laughed away as they sat down chatting about different traditions on rafkon .

Fern “ Wait what a Hove ? ” Orria “ Yes that's what the name they selected for me first but my grandparents stood their ground and told I shall be named Orria ” Aiyon “ Cool ...my brother did the same for me ..  I was actually supposed to be named Aura .. but my brother  ...said that it wasn't good so he named me Aiyon going against my parents wishes ” “ We'll it's always good to have more support ” Javi said hugging her sister from the side ..

Solon “ Zayto aren't you gonna say something?” Zayto replied in a heavy voice seeming that he was holding his tears back “ Well my childhood wasn't exactly as you'd think you know ... It was very nice until my father became a knight .. and he would go on battlefield and we would always be away from him .... And since I was the elder child ...I had many responsibilities ..my dad was always away from us .. because of his work .. and then it was me who had to take care of mom and my sister... I took care of them since I was 10 and then It was really difficult for me take to care...of the family after .. I...I ...lost him .. I was only 15 at that point ... ” a smile raised on his face “ But with a much needed support from my mom and friends.. Aiyon... Cam...Adnis ..Dena .. and many other.. everything worked out.. And then I became a knight at 17 ... My mom and sister  were really proud of me.. I had so much fun when I was knight with cam , dena , Aiyon .. and Adnis  he was the best in studies.. so he became a royal minister..of Alvis .. after two years he came back seeking blessings from me to get married to my sister.. . My sister was happy .. and even though I only saw her for like once in a year .. I was really happy ..everything was perfect.. me .. criya .. mom.. everything but the sporix battle it took away everything from me I ever had . ” Amelia was standing so she came down on her knees and with a smile said “ You were and are really brave Zayto .. I can't even imagine what you went through.. and I know loosing someone is hard and knowing that they would never come back is worser ” Fern “ but you were and are strong... ” Solon “ My child we all are proud of you ”  Javi “ And we all will always be with you ” Izzy “ And we promise that... They all came together and did a group hug .. .. but then the intruder alarm went off ... Reine “ Looks like someone came to give company ” Fern “ So what are we waiting for let's go ”

They all stood and teleported....

You will get action and more drama and story in part two.. I just wanted to share it as so you know more about the characters and why are they like this . Hope you enjoyed reading.. 💙❤️

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