Part 51

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Y/n: okay, im gonna go take a shower

She said, still not removing her arms from me.

Jacob: are you gonna be okay?

I asked softly.

Y/n: yeah.. I'll be okay. Sometimes you just need to let it out, you know?

She said, removing her arms from me. I placed a soft kiss on her cheek, and she went into the bathroom.


I reached for her in front of me, but the bed was cold and empty

Jacob: y/n?

I called, but never received an answer. Where did she go? I got up and searched the bathrooms, she wasn't there. Searched the kitchen and living room, she wasn't there either. Until, I saw her on the swinging bench. Her right leg was helping her swing while the left one was bent up and she was laying down on her back with her head on the arm rest.

Jacob: darling, what are you doing out here? It's lightning

I asked, walking over to her lifting both her legs up and placing them over mine as I sat down. I began to slowly stroke her leg placing a kiss on her knee, as i saw the tears on her cheeks. She refused to look at me, and talk to me as if she had done something she shouldn't have.

Jacob: natalie told me what you've been thinking

Her eyes closed, as more tears ran down her face. She sat up, and rested her head in my lap, as I stroked her hair.

Jacob: why are you hiding things from me?

I asked softly, so she would know that I'm not mad or upset.

Y/n: im sorry

She began to cry a little harder.

Jacob: im not mad at you, I'm just wondering why you stopped opening up to me

Y/n: im not meaning too, it's just.. my dream about Brandon brought all the memories back. I haven't had a dream about him in so long I thought they were finally over

Jacob: like what? If you mind talking about it

Y/n: well, we always talked about having kids and what we would name them and what our house would look like but, towards the end of our relationship he admitted that he never wanted one and hoped that I would never have one and get the happiness i deserved.. so it scares me that if it's possible that I can't have one you'll leave and find someone who can give you a baby

Jacob: if you can't have a baby, im still going to be with you. And we can keep trying if you'd like. And, I'm not him. I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I'd do anything for you. Anything. You are the love of my life, I can't imagine it without you

I felt her body relax as i ranted on.

Y/n: you know I love you more than life right?

She giggled.

Jacob: yeah but im gonna say no because I like to hear you say it

I said, mocking what she had said earlier.

Y/n: Jacob?

Jacob: hm?

I asked, looking down at her as i continued to stroke her long beautiful dark brown hair.

Y/n: why are you being so nice to me today? I was rude to you

She doesn't know that I have patience with her. I'd rather go through this a million times a day just to keep her.

Jacob: because, y/n, i love you. You know that. Just because you have a little attitude doesn't mean I'm going to distance myself from you. I'm going to be here for you, and comfort you when you need it

I saw her eyes slowly close.

Y/n: you shouldn't have to deal with this

Jacob: I choose too, because that's how much I care and love you. You can push me away as many times as you want, but I'm going to come right back

She giggled lightly. She was now sitting in my lap, her legs dangling off the bench, her back against my stomach as we swung back and forth. Her head rested in the crook of my neck. I wanted to stay here forever

Y/n: you make me feel safe. Did you know that?

Jacob: did you know, that you are my home?

She looked up at me and kissed me. We sat there in silence for an hour, and every 10 minutes I would place a kiss on her head. After a couple more minutes I felt all her body weight on me. She had fallen asleep. I picked her up and carried her to the room covering her up. She curled into me, gently gripping my shirt.

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