"You are a very knowledgeable young man. It's been a long time since I was greeted by someone using the far eastern way." Toga said, his voice was filled with nostalgia and longing for his home town. "I see that you're acquainted with my student Denki. May I ask how young Denki is fairing?"

"He is doing fine, you have trained him well. He is growing stronger and stronger everyday." August responded to the old man. "You know... He has been searching for you, I'm sure he'll be ecstatic to see you after all this time."

Toga shook his head as if to say no. He then spoke with a solemn tone. "Young Denki need not see me just yet." he answered. "The two of us will see each other again, but the time is not yet ripe."

August was confused by this, he wanted to ask why but he felt that it was inappropriate to do so since it was the business between a master and his student. "Well I hope the time for that will come soon."

Toga didn't answer, instead he just smiled at August, and he could see that the smile was forced and was filled with deep sadness. He didn't know why, and he doesn't have the right to ask so he ignored it. "By the way, if you're searching for young Denki, he's in that direction." the old samurai pointed to the left. "At row 5 seat number 12."

August couldn't help but feel at awe towards Mashima Toga, even right now he could feel him using the mana dome. He realized he was outclassed with the use of this technique. He was standing face to face with a true master.

"Now I would like to chat more, but I'm afraid I must bid you farewell young August." Mashima Toga bowed at August before moving up to the higher seats.

"Mashima Toga!" he stopped mid way as August called his name. A smile slowly rose into August's face. He bowed quickly and said. "I look forward to fighting you tomorrow."

"And I you." Toga answered and continued his way up the stairs.

August watched the back of the old samurai. He was excited for tomorrow, he knew that Mashima Toga was strong, but now that he had a chance to stand face to face with him, he realized that he was severely underestimating his strength, he realized that Mashima Toga was stronger than he thought he was.

He turned around and headed left, towards the direction of which Toga pointed to, off to find Denki.


August was able to find Denki fairly quickly thanks to Toga's help, he saw him sitting with the halfbreed Froke, the two of them were bickering like usual and right besides Denki was an open seat.

He made his way towards them and Denki finally saw August and waved at him.

"Captain! Here I saved you a seat." Denki said with an enthusiastic voice.

"Yow August." Froke nodded at him, he nodded back.

August sat on the seat and moved his attention in front of him, as in the middle Ganesha was announcing the first match of the tournament.

1-A Ilta Farna vs 1-8 Loch Rojo.

The two fighters walked in front as the crowd went wild.

Paluza vs Errësirë.

The two stared at each other waiting for the signal to start.

The gods started to place bets between the two fighters.

Some people, especially those who are rich started to bet with one another as well.

"I AM GANESHA!!!" screamed his name to the crowd. "The first match of the day will start right now!!!" his voice echoes all around the amphitheater. "The two fighters are ready! At my right, the vice captain of my familia, famed by his relentless attack that ignores defense all together, her fist a dangerous weapon to all as every punch will send tremors to the very earth. The Paluza!!! ILTA FARNA!!!!" Ganesha introduced the red head as she waved to the crowd with a huge smile on her face.

"And on my left, an adventurer who lived in the shadows, hunts in the shadows, and strives in the shadows. With his daggers you wouldn't even see him coming, the captain of Anubis familia, the Errësirë!!! LOCH ROJO!!!" Loch raised his hands up acknowledging the crowds support. His face was the face of determination and focus.

The crowd screamed now reaching the loudest it has today. It was deafening, Ganesha being an expert showman sold the fight perfectly as excitement has now reached its peak.

"Now with the introductions out of the way... Let the match... BEGIN!!!"



Chapter 48 is done now, how do you guys like the story so far?

I had some free time and decided to write another chapter.

Please leave a comment, a review and feedback so I can improve on writing this fanfic. every little thing helps as it allows me to see your preference on things and would help me write a better fanfic for you all to enjoy.

thanks for picking up this fanfic. hope you guys like it.

good day, love y'all.

A Survivor's life in the dungeon (A Danmachi Fanfic.)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora