Eric The Screamer

121 5 27

Year: Sometime in the 80s

Tommy Thayer and James Hetfield are on the plush red sofa in Hetfield's living room, both looking very blonde as usual, smooching up, getting their kiss on, trying to enter Sandman if yk what I mean 😏


Tommy, lifts up his head, confused as James groans "Who the fuck-" Tommy shushes him "I'll get it" he gets up, and opens the door, standing there, are Paul Stanley, Gene Simmons, Ace Frehley, and Peter Criss.

"Hey, we want to hang out," Paul says, sounding very seductive and new yorker as usual, from the couch they get a two-word response from James Hetfield himself.

"YEAAAH-YEAAAAAH" Tommy gives a thumbs up and smiles, the men walk into the room their footsteps heavy, even though they aren't wearing platforms. Bros are practicing.

Paul sits down on a small little purple pillow on the couch, Ace and Peter sit on the floor criss-cross applesauce and Gene stands menacingly in the corner.

James sits his ass down right next to Thayer, as they both man-spread while Paul crosses his legs in dick shame, tapping away at his phone with the loud clacking sounds as he taps each letter individually with his pointer finger, squirting every three letters, acting he needs reading glasses, even though he can read them perfectly fine with his 20/20 vision, it's all for the aesthetic.

Then, all of a sudden.

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT~!!" comes the loudest moan any of them have ever heard in their entire lives, it shook the furniture, even Gene's fat ass stumbled a little, and his face dropped.

It goes silent...then Gene breaks the silence "...who was that..? Who...the fuck. Was that."

"Was that a woman?!" Peter asks, shocked

James then sighs heavily

"It' neighbor. Eric... This often..." Jaws drop around the room

"What," Gene asks his voice dropping an octave.

"Eric Carr. Your drummer. I'll be sure to tell him he sounds like a woman next time I see him for you Peter." James sighs, rubbing his temples

"That's Eric?!!" Peter yells "Who's he with?! Must be getting some fucking great pussy!" Ace starts to laugh hysterically

"hey hey! Petah! Petah! What if, I go over there, and scare the shit out of 'im?!" Ace's Bronx accent jumps out as Peter smiles even wider

"Oh. My. God. DO IT!" Peter eggs his on as Gene shakes his head "Ace do not do that" "Oh my god Ace, do not for the love of god" everyone protests besides Peter, and Ace stands up

"I'mma do it!" he runs out of the room, laughing loudly as Peter slaps his knee, rocking forward and wheezing slightly.

They hear the door unlock next door and then a loud "WHAT THE FUCK" come from Ace

"ACE WHAT THE FUCK?!" A loud, non-female voice replies back

"BRUCE?!!!" Ace yells, shock resonating from his voice

Paul and Peter's jaws drop as Tommy and James start to laugh hysterically at the other's shock. Gene isn't responding, his face flat.

"ACE FREHLEY GET THE FUCK OUT RIGHT NOW!!" They hear Eric yell, Eric never yells. And then a loud thump "OKAY OKAY FOX!" the door closes and then running footsteps as Ace barges back into the room with everyone else.

"Well. I just got a uh- heavy ass book thrown at me, by Foxy. He's pretty angry, let's not disturb him for now.."

"YOU DON'T FUCKING SAY?!" Paul yells at him, eyebrows raised and shock on his face.

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