2. "I Solemnly Swear I Have No Powers!"

Start from the beginning

"You don't mean that, do you?"

"Yeah. I do, so shut the hell up," Haruto rolled his eyes. He looked at you with an apologetic expression. You finally saw he had ruby eyes, definitely looking like the actual crystal like texture the rock originally is. "Okay, so, I can assume... quirkless?"

"... Dude, assume whatever you want. I have no idea what you even mean by quirk." You sighed heavily, just wanting his all to be over.

"Have you tried seeing you have one?"

Oh. Interesting question.

"Obviously not," You scoffed, rolling your tired eyes. "Apparently, I fell from the sky. Who's first thought in a new place would be 'Oh! Let me use a power I most likely don't have, haha!' ?" You stated him dead in the eye with a serious face. "Tell me, who?"

"Okay, okay... are you sure about your little world you say you're from?"

"Obviously! Where do you think I have these scars from?!" You immediately defended yourself, showing them your arm. "They're only... I don't know, minor, but they're recent! Recent enough that it's still here!"

"Anyone could have made that," he sighed, shaking his head. "Are you sure?"

"I swear to fucking God if one of you doubt me again!" You snapped, your voice probably louder than ever. Haruto sat back, watching you with a calm expression and Oji silently stared. "I got these while running away from the swarm. They backed me into a bridge above water, and I jumped into the waves... simply wanting to die like that." You frowned at the sudden realization you were willingly dying, not even trying to put up a fight. Then again, if you did, you would've most likely gotten bit. "Then I woke up in this shit hole and now I'm an icon."

"Could you give us a description of what the undead looked like?" He asked, his ruby eyes intrigued by your story.

"... Uh, ugly..."

"Uh-huh." Oji could be heard snickering. "Hey, shut up!" Haruto punched him in the ribs.

"Dull greenish grayish skin?" You shrugged your shoulders. "Creepy ass eyes— looked like when you uh... roll your eyes back?" You nodded at your terrible wording. "Ripped clothes that belonged to their past selves. Once human, obviously. Oh, and... hair. They had hair."

"Okay, I see." He hummed, nodding at the vague descriptions. He turned to Oji, before jumping back while yelping. His eyes widened, and he yelled at Oji to look at the scene in front of him. The buffer male panicked, immediately getting out of his seat and backing away. You finally turned to be met with the scene of a familiar foe.

"What the fuck is it doing here?" You questioned, simply standing in place not really worrying about it. The other two were panicking and thought they were going to die.

"Can't you kill it?!" Haruto yelled, grabbing onto Oji's arm and hiding behind it. "Is that drool?"

"It's a zombie, dude. I don't know what you didn't expect."

"Kid— just kill it!" Oji yelled, backing away some more. The walking dead continued to groan and moan, confused in what place it currently is in. It started walking towards you, and at last it was now your time to panic.

"Holy shit, holy shit!" You cried, backing away just like Oji was doing. "Dude— don't you guys have powers, or something?!"

"I'm quirkless, and Oji is a damn walking lie detector!"

"Holy fuck!"

"Oh my God!" You panicked, trying to look for an item to kill the zombie with. "How did it even get here?!"

"Because of you, probably!" Oji responded. "You may have summoned it here, or something!"

"I doubt it! I don't have any powers, like I said!" You continued to refuse you had a quirk. In disbelief of the entire situation, you suddenly stop in your tracks as the zombie gets even closer and closer. "This is all a stupid dream, right?"

"Why the hell are you still in that mindset?! No, this is real you little—"


The body of the undead plopped onto the ground, its decapitated head rolling towards Haruto and Oji. You smiled, firmly grabbing your bat you had always used as a weapon when killing the mindless creatures. A proud smile was displayed on your face, and you then decided to speak.

"This ugly thing's weak point is its neck," You explained. "It's super fragile. Slash or hit it with something, it's done for."

"What very... nice information." Haruto nervously chuckled. "... Where did you get that bat?"

"Uh," You blinked. "I don't know. This weird particle started morphing together when I thought of my bat I always used, and boom! It was there." You patted it lightly with your other hand. "My trusty partner in crime! Man, I love lucid dreaming!"

Oji sighed, efforts were in vain if she continuously believed she was in a dream. She's delusional for believing she's in a dream.

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