5- newfound feelings

Start from the beginning

"Oh heyyy guys." She said awkwardly, looking at us both trying to figure out the truth.

Paige walked over to the kitchen grabbing a drink and handing me one before she sat down next to Azzi motioning me over too. I sat down next to Paige, keeping a close enough distance between us.

"We're all going out to celebrate the win, you guys coming?" Azzi asked, looking at me and Paige. Paige gazed at me waiting for my answer.

"I'll go if you want to." Paige said, how I hated making decisions.

"Yeah I'm down." I shrugged.

"Great, the guys are going to be there too..." Azzi trailed off and I saw Paige's jaw clench.

I sat with Paige and Azzi for a bit longer until I decided I needed to go home and catch Rose up. Paige offered to walk me to my dorm, even if I said no she still ended up walking me.

I got back to the dorm and explained everything from me and Paige making up to this morning in bed.

"And you guys are just friends?" She asked, looking at me confused.

"Yes Rose. Me and you cuddle all the time don't we?" I asked

"Yes but I don't play with your hair or gaze into your eyes, that's relationship stuff." She explained and I just rolled my eyes. "Come on Jules if you kinda like her you can tell me." She begged again.

"Rose, I don't like her. We're just friends. I just think she's gorgeous and talented and probably the sweetest person I've ever met. Everytime I see her I just can't get enough of her, it's insane." I said, the words slipping out as Rose looked at me shocked. "I have feelings for Paige" I realized out loud. Oh fuck.

"I knew it Jules it was so obvious I've never seen you so smiley and pink around someone." She said, making me smile at the thought.

It's true. Every Time I was around Paige I had a smile on my face or my cheeks were flushed red. I never stopped thinking about Paige, even when she wasn't there I just couldn't get her out of my head. All my pictures were of her, almost like she was my newfound muse. How did I not realize my feelings sooner?

"Fuck this isn't good" I panicked getting up and pacing around the room. "I've only known Paige for like a month and a half, I don't even know if she likes girls, it's too early. What if I ruin our friendship?" I questioned as I ran my hands through my hair stressed.

Rose walked up to me, stopping my pacing by putting her hands on my shoulders. "Jules calm down. First off feelings don't have a time limit, you can have feelings for someone after knowing them for a day. Second, Paige is obviously into girls. Are you insane? I thought your gaydar was better than this." She calmed me down.

"God this is already too complicated." I sighed, putting my head in my hands.

"Take it slow ok? There's no rush, just follow your heart. And good thing we're seeing Paige later." She said smirking at the last part making me groan again. I couldn't see perfect Paige when I was going through a crisis of my feelings.


Me and Rose were ready waiting for Paige and Azzi to come get us and drive to the celebration. I heard a loud knock at the door and jumped almost running the other way at the thought of seeing Paige after my newly realized feelings. Rose went to the door opening it and I saw Paige and Azzi walk in.

"You ready Jules?" Azzi asked, pulling me into a side hug.

"Yep." I responded dryly, trying to keep my eyes off Paige but it was so hard. She looked perfect, she always did.

how you get the girl- Paige BueckersWhere stories live. Discover now