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Story: Eternally Unheard Author: bangtanrewinds

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Story: Eternally Unheard
Author: bangtanrewinds

Story: Eternally Unheard Author: bangtanrewinds

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You've Been visited by the Musician...

Reviewer: WisnolWeasley

Reviewer: WisnolWeasley

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ꗃ﹕❜The Title:10/10

﹕❜A good writer possesses the power to intrigue and captivate readers, compelling them to delve into a book even if they initially have no inclination to do so. "Eternally Unheard" not only excels in this regard but also succeeds in forging a profound connection with the general reader. It is indeed rare to encounter stories where the title harmonises perfectly with the essence and soul of the narrative, and this book stands as a remarkable example of such alignment. The author has done a wonderful job in selecting a title that resonates deeply and draws readers into the captivating world within its pages.10/10

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