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Story:  My Idiot From Heaven
Author: pabokede

Story:  My Idiot From Heaven Author: pabokede

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Reviewer: Jeon_Dinara

ꗃ﹕❜Cover and Title: 4/10

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ꗃ﹕❜Cover and Title: 4/10

Cover: The cover is just a picture of two young friends goofing around each other. There is neither a title present on it nor a subtitle. No graphics were done on it either. I suggest you should ask a community to make a cover for your lovely book from their “graphic shop”.

Title: The title looks nice, something frivolous and teenager-type. However, to elevate your book a little bit, I’d say you get some nice, standard titles like “Starstruck Lovers, Love’s Melody, A Love to Cherish”, etc.

ꗃ﹕❜Blurb and Prologue: 6/10

Blurb: The blurb was short and sweet and it did give the overall gist of the book. It did tell me about the male interest but failed to tell me how the girl is. Moreover, it didn’t leave me with a lot of suspense so I feel like I should continue to read the book. These are some good points that you can keep in mind while writing a blurb:

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