America's Sweethearts • Steve Rogers

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Steve chuckles and shakes his head, "it's still very much accurate. When I play, I play for my father. And every minute he stayed in the rain or the cold during my practices to watch me play, and drive me back home. He's my rock. My biggest fan next to my Ma."

And another reporter rises, with a notepad, "Considering your injury more than a year ago to your shoulder, what was it like being in physical therapy, and did you train and imagine this moment, going to the Super Bowl?"

Steve nods, and gulps gently, "After I popped my shoulder, I was scared I was never going to get to throw another ball up ever again. Thought my ticket was punched already. But physical therapy gave me a lot of hope, and it pushed me to keep going. I had supportive family around me and that's all I could've ever asked for. I trained hard all last year. And it paid off."

"One last question Steve," one reporter stands, while the other sat down, moving her recorder closer to the star quarterback, "how do you feel about Y/n Y/l/n performing at the Super Bowl? Do you listen to her music?"

That name causes shivers up Steve's spine, and this weird warming sensation in his stomach.

He smiles, but tries not to make it too obvious the nostalgic feelings invading his body, flashes of him picking you up and twirling you around, holding your books and backpack for you, heading to his car just to ditch school after 1st period just to be together. The late night phone calls, the sweet kisses, those eyes of yours, he gulps and looks at all the reporters and then to his coach, "of course I listen to her music."

"I'm a huge fan of hers," the reporter continues, "it's been rumored that Our Song, is about you. Is that true?"

Before Steve could answer, his coach was intervening, "are we all done with questions about football? Because if we are my Team Captain needs all the rest he could get for this Sunday. Thank you."

~ Super Bowl Sunday - 9 AM - Florida ~

Steve bows his head to the backstage crew working the Super Bowl, it was still early morning and the game was later this evening, yet everyone was doing their best to prepare, the ladies all made goo goo gaga eyes at Steve as he walked by - he's used to it. Being so handsome and all.

Approaching your dressing room, Steve takes a deep breath before knocking, not even going to the locker room first where he was needed to greet his team - he decided he couldn't wait and came to visit you first, "come in!" Your voice was always like in a sing song state.

He enters and your back is to him, you were being shown tonight's outfits by your team, you look at them all. And you just couldn't help that bubbly feeling of excitement for tonight, your eyes looking at each outfit - you almost forgot you allowed someone to come in when they spoke...

"Hey superstar," Steve speaks in that deep husky voice of his. That drives you insane.

"Just a second," you don't turn around yet but you look over to tell your team to give you a second as they all entered the other part of your dressing room. They walk out and you turn on your heels to lay eyes on the gorgeous boy you've ever seen, although he was all man now.

"Steven Rogers!" You squeal and jump in his arms, you haven't seen him in so long. You guys are both smiling at each other. There was lots and lots of smiling.

He twirls you around, like the old days, "how long has it been?"

He gently puts you down while you think of your answer, "New Years Eve..."

"...2016." He finishes for you. Remembering exactly.

You guys both bumped into each other at a NYE party in Los Angeles. You were promoting your album at the time and Steve was attending because his best friend was the host of the party.

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