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It all started really cold. My body ached for any sort of help. The freezing wind of the cave only added to my suffering. Apart from the constant low ringing in my head, the only thing I could hear from what I assumed was my bed was the short dripping of water from some dripstone, perfectly timed to be each other second.

I knew where I was. I recognized the knitted blue blanket, the snoreing of the cat beside me, the occassional flickering of the torched light. It was an atmosphere I had designed myself. A place to feel like home to someone. But not me.

This wasn't my world, this wasn't my body. I'd admit having a beard was kinda cool. It was nice feeling a bit more masculine than my usual self. But it was absolutly not worth the pain I felt underneath my skin. Why the hell did I decide a character dying of an internal sickness filled with great pain was what I wanted to play as. Sure, I didn't know I'd end up here, but still.

I was just your average streamer who went online by the name Less, short for Nevertheless. I played minecraft to get away from the real world. Along the way I made friends, joined a server full of roleplay, and created a character to play as along my chosen family.

My character Trinx use to be a king. But his home was destroyed, and now he died slowly by a frozen lake. He made the best out of the world by spending time with his significant other Lumi, as well as his sons Knight and King. A retirement of sorts, practically waiting on death.

Waking up in his body sure was a surprise. I was only just on a call with my friend from Ohio, who was exclaiming their adoration for certain characters of a tv show we both enjoyed. In my opinion, their tastes were a bit off, but I can't judge I guess. I was beginning to doze off, napping on calls a normal occurance for me. When out of no where it got freezing cold, and I had woken up in this bed.

It wasn't entirely difficult to realize this wasn't a dream. The dealthy sickness that came with waking up hit me a bit more than just a pinch on the arm.

It wasn't long until a very worried son bursted into cave, overwhelming my now tired mind with health questions. When King had woken up and realized what was hapoening, he had rushed over to check on me and make sure I was doimg alright. He had helped me up and assisted in getting food before we had set out to Lake Arctic to meet with others.

Meeting with King for the first time in this situation was, odd. Normally King as a friend of mine from our world was a father-son relationship like in the server lore, sure, but my "son" was still much older than me, and we were in no way actually related.

Now, however, I was technically older than him, and this time we were actually related.  Our fake familiar roles were brought to life, and honestly it was kinda nice. I had felt a sense of pride for my friend- no, my son.

Getting to the lake was a bit of a challenge. Visinox in his character Knight's body had showed up maybe an hour after King had, and after having another heartwarming hello, and Knight sharing the dear story of how he had not only jumped but had physically screamed at the sight of himself in the mirror, the now much taller son of mine had told us others were beginning to meet by the ice our homes were built around.

We were quick to realize my new sickness could be a challenge, as the outside cold hit harder than that of the cave my new home resided in. Vis had offered to carry me. When we had seen each other at a convention before this, I was the one carrying him. I was short, sure, but he was practucally just bone. He weighed nothing to me. But his character however, Knight, was a 7 ft. armoured warrior. It was no problem for him to pick me up and carry me to Lake Arctic.

When we got there, we were met with multiple familiar faces. The second I was placed down, I was quickly tackled by a giant ball of fluff. Claws sat on my sides, which did not help with my evergrowing pain.

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