Rosie has a bad dream (requested)

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You hummed against Rosie's lips as she kissed you passionately.

Her hands were beneath her shirt that you had on and yours were resting on her shoulders as you melted into her touch and her kisses.

Lily was in her room sleeping, or so you thought.

So you figured that you and Rosé had a little alone time before you'd fall asleep.

She turned over, bringing you on top of her as you continued to make out.

She was ready to take off your clothes as well as her own so you could be even closer to each other.

But the knock on the bedroom door made her freeze.

A gasp left your lips and you quickly rolled off of Rosie before you let Lily in.


She came in with her favorite stuffed toy clutched against her chest and a sad look on her face.

"What's the matter, honey?" Rosé asked.

"I can't sleep."

"Do you want to sleep in here tonight?" You asked and watched Lily nod her head quickly in response.

Rosie gently lifted her onto the bed and set her between you as you turned off the lamp beside you and laid down.

"Tomorrow night, we'll continue where we left off." You promised and she nodded in agreement before closing her eyes.

The three of you quickly fell asleep.

Things were quiet and peaceful as you all slept in the comfortable bed under the blankets.

That was, until, Rosie began to have a terrible dream.

You hadn't been asleep for very long when you heard her whimpering in her sleep.

You opened your eyes and turned the lamp on to find Rosie whimpering and tossing and turning in her sleep.

"No." She mumbled. "Please, no."

You got up and went over to her side of the bed before sitting down next to her.

"Rosie? Rosie, baby, wake up." You said as you gently shook her awake.

She awoke with a gasp a few seconds later.

She was panting and sweating and felt as though she could barely breathe.

"It was just a bad dream, my love. It's okay. Calm down, catch your breath."

She closed her eyes as she took in a few deep breaths.

"I'm sorry I woke you." She said.

"Don't be, darling. It's okay. Everyone has bad dreams sometimes." You said as you rubbed her shoulder in comfort. "It's over now though. You're safe."

What you both didn't realize was that Lily had also awoken.

And after she rubbed her tired eyes, she looked beside her to find Rosie shaken up.

And even though she was still young, she was very caring and could easily sense when someone needed comfort.

And right now, it seemed that her mom needed it.


Rosie looked beside her to find Lily staring at her with big eyes.

"Are you okay?"

"Rosie had a bad dream, honey." You said.

"Oh," Lily said before curling up to Rosé. "It's okay, Mom."

Your heart melted, as did Rosie's.

She felt her fear and anxiety fade away as the little girl curled up in her lap and wrapped her arms around her neck to comfort her.

"Are you okay?" Lily asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." She said.

You smiled at the sight of your daughter quickly comforting Rosé.

It was precious and reminded you just how much she truly adores Rosie.

"I love you."

"I love you too," Rosie said back to her as she held her tightly.

She looked at you with a smile as bright as yours before nodding.

"Come on, join in on the hug, baby," Rosie spoke.

And you happily did so, feeling so in love with your little family.

Lily pulled back a moment later and stared between you and Rosie.

"Feel better now, baby?" You asked.

"Yeah, much better, thanks to my girls," Rosie replied before kissing Lily's forehead and your lips. "Come on, let's go back to sleep."

You got back on your side of the bed and Lily curled back up between you.

But as she fell asleep, you and Rosé just lay awake, holding each other's hand and staring at each other as your hearts felt so full of love and happiness.

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