-Welcome To Baycliff!-

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"No," he chuckles. "I guess not...but I still need to. I'm Tristan Lockwood. Welcome to town."

Ah, the Lockwoods...another founding family.

"Thanks," I nod to both of them.

Elizabeth places a massive basket of food, gifts, and pamphlets in my arms.

"Here is your welcome basket!" she gushed. "It's full of our best, locally sourced goods and some coupons and things to do in town!"

"Oh," I huff as I balance the basket. "That's nice of you. And do you do this for everyone who moves here? I mean...people flock to Baycliff. It must take a lot of work."

"That's true," Elizabeth sighs with a smile.

Does her face hurt? Jesus...

"But we hold festivals and parties in town for everyone, and we mail coupons in every paper," she continues. "You're the first newcomer we've had in a while, so I went a little overboard!"

"Overboard?" Tristan scoffs. "You? Never..."

Heh. His sarcasm is refreshing. Not that I have anything against Elizabeth; she's just...very friendly. I'll be more receptive after I sleep.

"Anyway," Elizabeth says next, her smile faltering for a bit with Tristan. "I admit that I'm a fan of your work! I'd love to hear your thoughts, but I'm sure you are exhausted, so I had the movers get your things inside."

"I feel like a broken record," I shrugged. "Tell you what, you can ask me about any book other than any upcoming ones at lunch this week as a thank you."

Elizabeth practically squealed, and Tristan winced.

"You have no idea what you're in for," he warns me.

"I've survived worse," I tell him, not realizing how sad I must have sounded because he tensed.

"We should let Isabel rest, Liz," he suggested.

"You're right!" she agrees. "Oh! One more thing before we go!"

"What is it?" I asked, alarmed at how serious Elizabeth had become.

"Be careful at night," she warns me.

"Why?" I wondered.

"People tend to disappear in the fog," she explains ominously.

I'm not sure if it was my fatigue or the cloudy morning casting odd shadows overhead, but the way Elizabeth looked when she warned me sent a shiver up my spine.


I should have known better. I could have flown here, but I chose to drive because I wanted to tire myself out. I hoped I could fall asleep in my new home without any nightmares, but they came anyway. Maybe it's the writer in me, being dramatic about what has happened. Breakups are normal...right? Engagements and...friendships end all the time, yeah?

I don't feel anything about them, my ex-fiance and ex-best friend...Yes, I am a walking cliche...but what stuck with me was the poison they flung at me when it all fell apart. I don't know what I've done to them for them to take it as far as they did. That's what stuck with me. They dug into the deepest parts of me and left me for dead.

So it's no surprise that I woke up in the middle of the night with the hollow ache I've felt in my chest for weeks. I rattled around my new house, but nothing helped. I'm going to go for a run on the beach. Whatever it is that Elizabeth warned me about... I'm sure the coast is fine...the disappearances occur in the woods, and I have no intention of running there. Besides, I'm armed.

Baycliff (SHORT STORY EDITION)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن