Chapter II - SCP-173

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same pov thing idk i'm getting lazy

Luka grabbed several things from the laboratory, such as a radio, emergency first aid, a gun, some extra handcuffs, ammunition, some "science-y" equipment, and a couple petri dishes.

He was about to put the last petri dish into his bag before realizing it was filled with something. A flesh of a creature that was rotting and green. His face contorted and he placed back the dish, disgusted.

"Williams." Luka called. "What is that horrible thing?!"

"Hmm?" Hazel walked over to Luka. "Oh, that's a sample of an SCP-049-1, one of 049's stupid 'cured' zombie things." She moved it aside and grabbed a few dishes of her own.

"Ah. That will be enjoyable to analyze, if it doesn't end up smelling so bad I throw up." Luka joked, although he wasn't sure if he was joking.

"Okay nerd, now come on! We have some SCP-173 testing to do!" Hazel grabbed Luka's arm and dragged him out, causing a startled yelp to be emitted from Luka.


Luka arrived with Hazel to Briefing Room A to round up a few CDs, courtesy of Alex. They had arrived a couple minutes earlier so Luka could speak to Parker.

"Why do you even need to speak to D-5059 right now? And why that specific Class-D? We have like an actual test to run." Hazel complained, wanting a few more minutes to 'prepare' (she just wants to sleep).

"It's important.. okay? Just don't question it." Luka snapped, causing Hazel to immediately drop the subject.

Luka needed to warn Parker that this expedition was occurring at all. The odds of Parker surviving during this test was 75%, but that was way too low for Luka to take any risks. Plus, it's only 75% in a scenario where everything goes swell. In a worst-case scenario, his odds drop to 0.001%. This had sent Luka into a state of panic, which he could not show for fear of being 'weak'. The best of the best were here, and he was not about to give it up because he was worried. Especially when the whole scenario could be prevented just by telling Parker to hide in his cell, or say he was gravely injured. Perhaps then they'd leave him to heal for a bit so he didn't have to participate! Yes! That's all he had to do.

Luka began to walk up to the gate to try and locate Parker before he was interrupted by a voice he was both terrified and pleased to hear.

"Dr. Fitch! Hello! How are you? Seems you're early." Lincoln beamed, almost dropping his gun in the process.

Luka turned around abruptly to face Lincoln.
"Ah, Farrell.. Pleased to see you, MTF."

Lincoln stared at Luka for a moment, causing him to feel like the room was becoming much warmer than it was before.

"Dr. Fitch.." He pointed to Luka's bag. "Why did you carry that much stuff? It's simply a mass cleaning mission. I don't think you'd be learning much new stuff."

Luka looked over to his bag, then laughed quietly.

"Farrell, sir. Any expedition is an opportunity for new research. When new research is present, there is always more to learn! Sure, it may be rather unnecessary, but I will surely seize any opportunity to discover something new about our odd anomalies. Perhaps we can find ways to neutralize 173, who knows! That's the fun in it! Surely you understand, no?"


Lincoln had an endearing smile plastered on his face the whole time Luka was rambling, leaving Luka confused and Hazel giggling from the corner while talking to Alex.

"You know, you're adorable when you talk about something you like, even when formal."
Lincoln winked, then walked back to his post before Luka could respond.

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