Axel seemed to hesitate, unsure if this was the right moment. I grew anxious.

Axel took a deep breath. ''When you arrived with Leonidas, I spoke with him, because Leonidas wasn't sure if he should have told you. When they found you, you were severely damaged. Especially your wings, your right wing was even broken. They took you to the pack doctor and he run some tests.''

I did not like where this was going. He was avoiding the problem and it made me uneasy.

''The test shows that you have nerve damage in your wings, and it may not be possible for you to fly again. I know this is hard on top of everything you just went through. This will not make it any easier, but it isn't for sure so there is still hope. I just wanted you to hear this from me.''

I felt my heart sink as Axel shared the news. This could not be possible. What was I without my wings? Can I never fly again? I loved it, the freedom it gave me. The thought of not being able the fly was devastating. A wave of sadness washed over me, tears welling up in my eyes.

''What?'' I whispered. ''No, this...this can't be happening. Please tell me this is not true.''

Axel eyes were filled with sorrow. ''I know, I know. I'm so sorry.'' Axel moved the plates out of the way and scooted forward. He pulled me in for a hug as I sobbed, letting out a cry of pain and sadness.

I kept crying as the night went on. Axel comforting me as I was out of tears and energy and so I fell asleep in his arms.


The sounds of birds woke me up. I opened my eyes looking at one side of the bed. The sun was streaming through the window, casting a warm glow over my shoulders. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. My head ached and I let out a gruff. Of course, it was yesterday was a tough day.

I looked around the room, most of the warm food was gone and the fruits were in a basket. Axel was nowhere to be found and it made me feel alone. The room was giant with not only a bed but with a whole living room in it, and a bathroom. Golden details were everywhere, the sheets, the bed, and even the small details on the plates. I felt like I was seeing it again for the first time like I did not notice these details the first time.

I let the sheet of the bed fall out of my hand. I was still wearing my clothes from yesterday but it did not really bother me. I looked around for something warm to cover my shoulders with when I found a few clothes perfectly folded on the small table. There was a note on it.

For you, my dove was written on it. Under it had been an A written. Axel.

There was a soft robe hidden in the clothes. I was afraid it did not fit because of my wings. However, it did fit. I guess that Raelyn made some improvements. I was careful not to touch my wing. I still felt the discomfort in my muscles. The herbs did do their work good.

I looked around the room. What was I supposed to do now? Axel left me here by myself. I could go explore the castle I thought to myself. I went into the hallway and was greeted by the stone arches that held up the roof. The hallway was empty with only a soft carpet that covered the wooden floor. The carpet was a soft brown colour, that reminded me of coffee. It had, just like every other detail in this palace golden elements.

I walked around the palace enjoying the quiet place. I smelled the scent of fresh bread and chocolate when I came across the kitchen downstairs. I went up the white stairs where I walked along the giant library. I looked inside the library, the entrance was an archway. Along the frame were markings. Ancient symbols.

My eyes widened as I gazed upon the ancient symbols that were carved into the stone wall. They were written in a very old language. Not the language of the knights. This was a different one. I had not seen these before, yet they were strangely familiar. I stared at them, and a feeling of déjà vu washed over me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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