3 • Let reach Godhood together

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The once small gods that entered the world had all grown up into powerful gods. All the gods around came to witness the history of the new gods who were said to rule the desert, overthrowing the wrath of Ra, god of sun.

Lyucs and his siblings sat at center of the stadium, waiting for Ra, God of sun to appear.

Lyucs yawns, bored of all the waiting. A piece of thin white robe wrapped around his waist connects to his arms ( like claude technically ) , the upper body covered in various kind of treasures all around the world flattering his darkish skin tone.

His light blue wonders around as if it was looking at someone. A guy with a muscular pale body who was wearing a black set mask.

" Such a shame " Lyucs mumbled to himself as he grips onto the wooden framed chair. His eyes piercing through the green skin guy beside the seth.

Nephthys who sat beside him, flinches looking at the chair crumble to pieces by lycus force.

" Hmm Lyucs .. We're the youngest so we were placed at the highest level. Please don't take out the anger on the poor chair "

Lycus lossens his grip as he leans back, a smile plastered in his face.

" Oh Sister nep ofcouse "

His smile turns into an upside down frown upon watching Osiris placing his hand on seth shoulder. How he wished he could throw the chair at the green goblin.

Nepthgys smiles nervously as she tries to calm lycus down before he destroys the stadium completely.

The crowd of gods raised as they greet the Ra the sun god and their creator. Lycus glares with a cold eyes at the Ra which makes her grin.

" Let the ceremony begin at onces ~ "

Ra golden eyes flicker with excitement.

" Tsk "

Lyucs rolled his eyes.

The first born child of Geb and Nut, Osiris steps into the heart of the stadium. As the gods from all over looks closely.

Osiris leans in forward as he raise his arm into the air within few sec vein's flourished throughout the stadium. Blooming various kinds of flowers of its kind.

" Lame - might as well call him god of garden or forest " Lyucs mumbles to himself.

Ra grins as she spoke

" Congrats God of life & creation, Osiris "

The crowd clapped welcoming the newly added god.

" I hope i get fire so that i can burn his stupid vines " Lyucs smiles as he claps his hands.

Osiris returns to his place, Isis look's more excited then Osiris himself.

" Congrats brother Osiris "

She smiles clasping her hands together.

" Oh thank you Isis " Osiris smiles patting lsis as his eyes wondered toward Seth.

" Sister Isis shouldn't you be worried about yourself then be happy for brother Osiris " Lyucs grin's.

Isis rolls her eyes as she ascends toward the stadium. Her eyes glow into bright blue as she cast various kinds of magics unlike anything the gods had seen.

" God of Magic Isis congrats on reaching godhood, let's see what you will bring to us "

Isis bows down, the people giving a round of applause to her who will bring greater things to the Kingdom.

Next nephthys steps into the stadium as thousands of white doves that symbol peace and love hovered over her welcoming her to her Godhood.

"God of harmony and peace Nepthgys, You will balance the world with your kind heart and soul"

Nepthgys smiles softly as she bows down.

" Thank you Ra , god of sun "

Lyucs smiles as he congrats nephthys.

" Congrats god of peace of harmony "

Nepthgys turns red as she smiles softly.

" Thank you brother Lyucs " as she takes her sit. Lyucs smiles as he glace at seth who was now ready to reach godhood.

Sands begins to whip around him like a tornado, and his eyes blaze as scarlet as fires of war. The sands becomes unstoppable torrent sweeping everything on its way.

Lyucs eyes widened as his lips carved into a smile,

" Oh my little Renata how fascinating " he mumbled to himself.

Everyone on the stadium body trembled with excitement and fear as they clapped their hands.

" God of war and the desert Seth, You shall be the guardian of the desert and lead this land to various victories "

Seth lips crackle with a crooked grin. His eyes flashed with joy - to fight, to protect, to show him who he really is.

Lyucs stand's from his set as he smiles slowly.

" Congrats my lord and saviour " lycus chuckles making seth roll his eyes.

" Lyucs you will be god of cringe and stupid jokes if you don't stop saying weird shits "

" But oh Renate, i shall embrace the title as long as your mine " Lyucs whispers softly making seth turns red. Thou Lyucs couldn't see it due to the mask. His reaction was enough to make him feel satisfied as he makes his way to the stadium.

Ra grins as she looks at the boy, her golden eye simmering with excitement.

" Show me what you got, Lyucs "

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