2 • God hood : Isis is annoying

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" Fifth son of Geb and Nut, Lycus how will you prove your worth to the world "

* * * *

Lycus was in his room, as he glanced out the window at the vast desert,

" Ennead... " He mumbled as his grip tightened around the wooden frame.


lycus looked back as his composer returned back to of a child. A smile carved into his face as his eyes glimmered.

" Brother lycus ... "

A girl with long, straight blonde hair peaks through the door.

" Sister nephthys... How may i assist you ? " He smiles softly.

Nephtgys hesitates before finally speaking, her eyes were wandering around the room to avoid his gaze.

" Ah... Sister Isis wants all of us to gather in the hall "

Lycus smiles drops into a frown but quickly turns into a smile, as he approachs nepthgys holding her hand slowly pulling her.

" Then we should hurry "

Nephthys eye's flickered,did she just see him frown or was it just her. She later dismiss the feeling thinking of it as imagination.

The duo soon reached the hall of fame were they gather for a meal or discussion. They were greeted by Seth, Osiris and Isis herself.

Lycus let's go of nephthys as he takes a sit beside seth. Nephthys hesitate as she takes her sit beside isis.

" We are soon going to each godhood... We should start acting like one " Isis spoke with a sharp gazes piercing at lycus who simply replied her with a smile.

" and what do u wish for us to do ?? dear sister of mine ~ "

Isis could feel her blood rushing as she glares at lycus, with a cold stare.

"Ohh ~ scaryyy ~ brother Osiris please save me"

Lycus chuckled as he teased Isis, her face turned red as she slammed the table with her palm making Nephthys flinch.

" You- "

Before she could utter word, Osiris cut her off.

" Now now brother lycus, please don't mess with your sister "

He smiled softly like always which gave lycus sliver. Lycus rolled his eyes with disgust. Isis looked at osris with loving eyes as if she had fall all over.

Lycus eyed Isis before glacing at the red hair guy beside him, his lips carve upward as he gives nug his brother seth.

" Brother seth, your looking more fabulous everyday ~ which cream do u use "

Lycus grins as he rest his cheeks on his arms, seth narrows his eyes, hitting lycus in his head.

" Stop messing around Lyucs or I won't be kind next time "

" Ouchy ~ "

Lycus winned as he ruffle his hair with tears in his eyes. Seth just roll his eyes.

" You both stop messing around .. be more like brother Osiris... "

" Ew- "

Isis smiles as she was ready to beat the shit of lycus, she chase him out the hall and throughout the garden.

Nephthys was worried as she looks at them from afar hoping everything will be over.

" Tch... So childish " seth scuffed.

Osiris place his hand on seth shoulder with a smile.

" Haha they still are kids after all "

Seth rolls his eyes as he brushes Osiris hands of his shoulder.

" Whatever "

The 3 sons and 2 daughters of geb and nut were slowly growing up to their godhood. Everyone wondered what kind of god would they be ....

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