The Lessons Begin

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Valkyrie paused and tilted her head, still with her back to Skulduggery.

"Did you say...Dancing?" she asked.

"I did indeed." he replied.

She looked at him over her shoulder. "What, you mean like, nightclub dancing?"

"No, you moron. I mean ballroom dancing."

Valkyrie turned so she was facing him fully now, head tilted and hands on hips.

"You're gonna teach me how to dance? Hah! I'd like to see you try! Skul, you know I have two left feet!"

"Oh come on, Valkyrie. I have faith. And I need a distraction."

"Hm. Oh well, I guess i need one too. I've been doing nothing but work out for the past few days."

"Oh? Why the sudden need to exercise?"

She mumbled something about summer coming and having a bikini body, but Skulduggery waved her words away with a wave of his hand. He held her left hand in his right, and put her right arm on his shoulder, while placing his left hand around her waist.

"Remind me again why we're doing this?"

"I need a distraction, and you need to learn how to dance"

Valkyrie scoffed, "Hey, who said I needed to know how to dance?"

Skulduggery leaned in and rested his head on her shoulder.

"Honestly," he said softly in her ear, "I would love to be able to dance with you, Valkyrie Cain."

He knew he had convinced her then, as she became silent for a few seconds, at a loss of any comebacks or remarks.

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