- After the dance, she gives you a goodnight kiss, then squeals happily to herself once you leave. She wants to do this again.

- He already knows he's going to be the most romantic person ever there. Only towards you of course.

- Alejandro surprises you with roses the moment he picks you up from your house. He even carried you to his car bridal style since he's naturally romantic that way.

- He played romantic music on the way there. This guy really makes a lot of effort.

- During the dance, he makes sure you eat first because he doesn't want you to pass out from hunger. He even gets you a drink.

- He makes the most flirty comments as you two are dancing. He winks at you too if you get flustered.

- After the dance, he blows you a kiss from his car and says he loves you.

- She gets so embarrassed to say that she wants to go with you, but eventually says "Sure." Heather has been prom queen before, so going to a dance at a town is nothing to her. She's pretty popular there anyway. It's just the fact that she's going with you that she's nervous about.

- She goes shopping with her friends to pick out a dress, even though it's just a dance at the community center. She wants to look her best when she's with you.

- When you pick her up, she immediately gets flustered that you dressed up. She tries not to comment on it though unless you compliment her, which you always do.

- During the dance, she gets way too embarrassed to dance, so you guys don't until the last one. Throughout the dance, you're both mostly socializing and eating.

- Heather had a lot of fun but refused to admit it. She gave you a quick kiss once you dropped her home.

- She secretly hopes you guys can attend another event like that again and wants to dance more with you the next time. That was actually her favorite part.

- Emma gets excited because that means she gets to see you all dressed up. Emma is just naturally obsessive like that, as we all witnessed during the Ridonculous race.

- She plans EVERY detail. Like what you'll do or say (She doesn't tell you this part, she just fantasizes about it), what she'll wear and what she sees you wearing.

- Emma practiced dancing with Kitty so it could be absolutely perfect.

- She freaks out over your dress and keeps gushing about it. You get swooned over hers too.

- She gets way too excited to dance and basically drags you to the dance floor. She believes this is a "Step forward" in the relationship for some reason.

- After the dance, she goes on and on about how you'll dance at "the wedding." You chuckle at this because it's cute how she's already planning your future.

- Kitty is excited! She loves going to events with you for the thrill of the relationship.

- Of course, she takes lots of selfies. Both with just her and with you. She also takes pictures of everything at the dance.

- She gets excited to dance but she's not too forward like Emma is. She just asks if you're up for it, and she enjoys it.

- She comments on how great the food is and keeps going back, shamelessly.

- Afterwards, she talks about how your photos are going on her scrapbook. She considers this one of the nights to remember.

- Mike is open to attending these events with you, as long as you're comfortable.

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