There was no such person found.

“Didn’t he say his name?”

“Oh yes, he did.” “The nanny patted her head.” The gentleman said his last name was Graham.”

Natalie’s hand with the pen stopped for a moment, and her good mood went worse.

Her face darkened. “Tell him I’m out and not at home.”

“Well?” said the nurse, “I told the gentleman you were in the study.”

“Then I won’t see him either.” Natalie did not look up, but spoke firmly.

“Let him go back.”

The nanny, seeing Natalie’s determination, said, “Yes.” She closed the door again.

But just as she was walking towards the door, trying to get the man to leave.

She found the man already sitting on the sofa.

The nurse was stunned. “You…”

When Julian saw her, he broke into a smile. His voice was sincere. “I’m sorry I came in without permission.”

“It’s just that it’s a little cold outside and I’m wearing very little today, so I had to come in.”

But the smile was uncomfortable on Julian’s cold face.

The nanny looked up at Julian.

The man’s face was normal, without the slightest sign of whiteness. His hands were also of normal skin

color, not red or purple, and he was obviously not cold.

She pressed her lips together.

She didn’t know what to do.

Chapter 229 Was she really treated like a treasure chest?


Julian, a tall man, was leaning back on the sofa, his long legs reaching to the tea table.

He knew Natalie would never let him in, so he walked in first.

It wasn’t very polite, but he had to do it for Grandpa’s life.

The nurse looked at the man sitting on the sofa without any intention of leaving. Her eyes twinkled.

After some hesitation, she knocked on the door of the study.

“Ms Spears, I left the door open and Mr. Graham came in. I’m so sorry.”

“And Mr. Graham doesn’t seem to be leaving. I’m really sorry.”

The nanny was nervous that Natalie would fire her.

Because her last employer fired her because she couldn’t handle things properly.

Natalie noticed the nanny’s nervousness. She sighed. “It’s fine.”

She knew how much of a cad Julian could be.

Even if the nanny tried to stop him, Julian had a hundred ways to break in.

She got up and went into the living room.

The man’s body was reclined on the sofa, and his left hand, which was resting on the arm of the sofa, kept.

turning the funnel on the table, back and forth, with an absent expression on his face.

“Julian, do you really make this your home?”

Natalie walked up to him, and her tone wasn’t nice.

Julian stood up at the sound he was expecting.

“You come?” Julian looked at Natalie, smiling slightly for the first time.

It was a faint smile, but it was better than his usual cold look..

Natalie was shocked by the smile.

Did the sun rise in the west? Julian smiled at her?

“You…” Natalie was about to ask Julian to leave when the man started talking.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have come in. But I come here today to ask for help.”

“Then I’ll go. I won’t cause you any trouble.” “The man said very sincerely.

Not only did he sound sincere, but he also had none of the cold attitude he used to have towards others. He was surprisingly temperate.

What? What’s going on?

Natalie’s eyes glowed slightly

Chapter 229 Was she really treated like a treasure chest?


Get B

How could Julian change his tune so quickly when she hadn’t seen him in a few days?

When Natalie didn’t try to stop him, Julian chose to get straight to the point. “Did you know about the Medical

Exchange Conference in Chicago?”

Natalie’s eyebrows jumped when she heard the key word and she looked up at him.

Why did Julian ask about the Medical Exchange Conference?

As far as she knew, her uncle had been busy with the matter for the last few days. The organizers never

released the news because her grandfather was not ready.

How did Julian find out so quickly.

“Don’t you know? Julian saw her guarded look and he knew something.

So what? “Said Natalie.

She knew about the conference, and she didn’t feel the need to hide it.

Julian looked delighted and expectant. “Will Dr. Nancy go to the conference?”

Natalie pressed her lips.

She thought for a moment, and three words came out of her mouth: “I don’t know.”

“This is the second question. Please, Mr. Graham, get to the point.” “Natalie said faintly.

But with a sense of alienation.

Hearing Natalie say this, the man got straight to the point, “Do you have an invitation card for the Medical

Exchange Conference? Or does Dr. Nancy have one?”

“I’ll pay for it, or you can ask for anything.”

“All I want is the invitation card.”

The man had a firm look in his eyes.

Natalie raised her eyebrows. She sneered. Did Julian really treat her like a treasure chest?

She said coldly, “No.”

Then she turned and went into the study.

“Auntie, please help me see him off.”

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