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Chapter 213 Mistaken Identity? Niki Gets Kidnapped

The next morning, Natalie woke up as usual.

Stepping out of her chamber, she caught sight of Tory, impeccably attired, seated at the dining table partaking in breakfast.

“Uncle, why are you up so early today?” Natalie’s tone betrayed her surprise.

Never before had her uncle risen at such an early hour.

“Is something the matter?”

Tory turned his head, his gaze meeting Natalie’s. “I am organizing a medical clinic in the western part of the

city today. Would you like to join me?”

“A medical clinic?” Natalie was taken aback.

“This time, my purpose in coming was to find cases. It seemed rather bothersome to pursue it alone, so why

not host a clinic to initiate the process?”

“I see,” Natalie nodded in agreement, pulling out a chair and settling herself.

Undoubtedly, it was a splendid approach indeed.

However, her car was almost totaled in the previous chase, and today she had planned to go see about a new


Just as she was about to decline, the nanny brought breakfast over. “Breakfast is ready. Miss and Mister, please enjoy your meal,” she said.

Natalie nodded in gratitude, and Tory also took his breakfast, lowering his head to eat.

“Have you prepared the venue?” Natalie looked up and asked Tory.

“Everything is ready,” Tory replied promptly without lifting his head.

Natalie nodded and took a bite of her breakfast, casually asking, “How spacious is the venue?”

Tory pondered for a moment and replied, “Well… it’s quite large. We’ve secured the Swan family’s property for

the clinic.”

“The Swan family’s property?” Natalie was taken aback.

The Swan family’s property, and in the western part of the city?

That piece of land was highly sought after, and countless people in Los Angeles yearned for it but couldn’t

obtain it.

“How did you manage to acquire that property?”

Tory chuckled and said, “Of course, I couldn’t have done it myself. It was all thanks to that lad Ryan.”


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Natalie’s eyelashes quivered, a sense of helplessness washing over her. “Why did you seek Ryan’s help.


instead of mine for this clinic?”

“In fact, Ryan knew about the clinic even before I did,” Tory explained.

“Am I your niece, or is Ryan your niece?”

Tory laughed. “Don’t blame me, my dear. Am I someone who lacks discretion?”

“Ryan insisted on helping me. He had already secured the venue before I even asked. I couldn’t refuse, could


Natalie was left speechless.

Given Ryan’s enthusiastic nature, it was plausible for him to accomplish such a feat.

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