Chapter 2 ( part 1)

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Staring at the ceiling blankly not even moving an inch. Just laying in bed in disbelief and sorrow.

His father was really gone...

He didn't believe it at first when he heard about the plane crash during one of his father's business trips.

He got up from his bed and went to his desk.

He opened one of the drawers and pulled out an album with a big title on the front cover that said " MY SON'S CHILDHOOD MEMORIES". The album is divided into sections.

He opened the album and the first section was "MY SON'S BIRTH" ( don't judge me that's like the only name i could thought of)

And Yes the album was created by his loving father. The first picture was when his mom already gave birth to him and they're at the hospital.

Hyunjin's mom, his father, his 2 year old older sister Yeji, and himself as a baby were all at hospital. The smiling faces in the photo were pure. The older 3 were smiling widely at the arrival of the new family member.



Hyunjin's mother was at home sitting on the couch while her 2 year old daughter Yeji was doodling on a used notepad. The pregnant mother was stroking her huge baby bump gently while whispering some loving words.

"Haha. You're getting bigger and bigger in my tummy,huh?" The mother spoke to her unborn child lovingly. She wasn't abusive as before 'till her husband died.

She was a sweet, gentle woman before and was a full-time housewife while her husband was a CEO of a big company. Her husband is a sweetheart, gentleman,a loving person and all of the sweet words u could think off.

Hyunjin's mother was now 9 months pregnant and her due date was coming soon. Her husband was out on an important business meeting. She called one of her best friends to come over and give her some company. Who knows when the water will break or not?

So she did a good thing inviting her friend to her house.

She and her friend Mina talked about life, their husbands and how are they doing these days. They talked about 2 hours of course keeping an eye on Yeji who was lost in her own world.


Hyunjin's mother started to feel something wet in her pants...

She looked down and realized that her water broke. She screamed in agony and her friend who was playing with Yeji snapped her head to her friend and her eyes widened.

"TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL AHHHHH!" The mother cried out in pain while holding her baby bump.

Mina panicked and she quickly picked up Yeji and took her friend to her car. Mina was driving at a high speed but still keeping her balance so they don't get into a car crash. She was holding her friends hand tightly as her friend was screaming like hell.

Yeji was just really clueless on what's happening with all the chaos.

5 minutes later...

They finally made it to the hospital. Mina opened the car door and took both Yeji and her mother. They made it to the hospital entrance and the nurses quickly took the mother and made it to the Operation Room.


Mina already called her friend's husband informing that his wife is giving birth to their 2nd child. She was waiting patiently for the doctor to show up.

Hyunjin's father showed up and was panting heavily as he was running like crazy. His workplace was only a 10 minute walk so he didn't need his car. It has been 5 hours since Hyunjin's mother has been in the Operation Room.

Shortly after...

The doctor showed up.

"Doctor! How's my wife-"

"Calm Down! Your wife and your child are fine nothing to worry about" The doctor spoke. "C..can I see them now doctor?" Hyunjin's father asked.  "Of course u can go ahead". The doctor stepped aside to let the husband get in the Operation Room.

There he saw his wife, smiling while holding the new born baby in her arms.
She looked up and saw her husband in tears.Well...happy tears.

"It's a boy dear" The mother said in joy. The 2 couldn't be happier at their new born son who was sleeping peacefully in his mother's arms in a fluffy blue blanket.

"Hyunjin, Hwang Hyunjin. This is gonna be my son's name. I had thought about this name ever since u got pregnant again".

"Wow! Good name u thought dear".

The husband smiled and kissed his wife sweetly on her lips. He took his new born baby in his arms and squished his cute chubby cheeks. "You are so adorable my boy". The father said to baby Hyunjin

"Can I come in?" Mina who was holding Yeji's hand asked. "Yeah come in Mina". The mother said in joy. Mina came in with Yeji.

"Yeji come here dear" The father said to his daughter. Yeji came closer to her dad and her face lit up. "Is thwat mway brwather?" Yeji asked in her baby voice excited.

"Yes Dear. This is your baby brother,Hyunjin. C'mon and say Hi".

Mina helped Yeji to climb on the hospital bed. Hyunjin's father came closer to her and showed her baby brother.

"He's swoo cwute!" She screamed happily while squishing her baby brother's cheeks. While Yeji was squishing his cheeks, he woke up.

"Awww" Mina cooed at the little charming face of Hyunjin. His eyes looked sharp just like some cat eyes like his mother has. He has chocolate brown eyes and dark silky hair like his father. He even has red plump lips which made him look attractive and a small blackmole under his left eye. Basically, a mixture of his dad and mom.

His personality is just like his loving father. Sweetheart, a gentleman, caring, loving etc. While Yeji was a whole copy of her mother.

"By the way Mina, Thank u so much for bringing my wife immediately to the hospital...I can't describe how thankful I am." Hyunjin's father said to Mina in gratitude.

"Welcome Welcome! Well looking at your new born baby, he looks like a mixture of u and my bestie". Mina spoke smiling.

"Oh. Didn't even realize that." The mother said in realization. "Haha well I bet he'll be handsome when he grows up. He will sure have a lot of eyes on him left and right up and down." Mina uttered.

"Oh shoot! I've gotta go home. My husband is probably wondering where I am. Well then, Congratulations on your new arrival. U all are now a complete nuclear family. Hope u four will always be happy and care for each other. Bye bye!"

The couple bid a goodbye to the woman.


Mina did say she hope that the four will always be happy and care for each other...oh my...who will let her know that the once happy family will turn into a depressing one?


HI! Let me know what do u think about this book so far...

❤️Thank u for reading sweethearts💖

Signing off...


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