Home Coming

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The flight back to the Mushroom Kingdom was long, but not nearly long enough for Peach. She knew this would be her final chance to be alone with Mario. So, once the car was flying in the proper direction, she settled herself down and held Mario in her arms once again. She began tearing off pieces of fabric from her ruined outfit and using them to clean the blood off Mario. As tears fell from her eyes she spoke with him, about nothing in particularly. She just wanted to have that last chance to speak with him a bit longer. To at least pretend everything was going to be okay. She willed herself to imagine he was merely sleeping. That at any moment he would awaken... or that perhaps she would. But despite her efforts, she could not ignore the growing pain in her chest which acted as a constant reminder of the reality she was still desperately trying to avoid. 

When Peach arrived back in the Mushroom Kingdom evening had fallen. The small lights of toadstool homes twinkled happily. Ignorant of the tragedy descending from above them. As Peach landed and she climbed out of the clown car, the toadstools dashed from their homes excitedly. They ran to her, cheering their princesses triumphant return, thwarting Bowser once again! As they got closer, they saw her state... her dress was shredded and coated in what was clearly blood. The cheers faded and were soon replaced with cries of panic. They began swarm around her, insisting she have medical attention right away. Peach couldn't speak with them. Speaking would lead to questions, an accounting of what happened to Mario. Peach was not prepared to speak openly about anything she had just endured. She was barely maintaining her composure as it was. And it was so important to show strength around her Toads who were often quick to give in to despair. So, she merely shook her head "no" and beckoned them to help her with their hero.

The grief in the Mushroom Kingdom was palpable. A reflection of Peach herself. It was early in the morning of the 3nd day since her return. Peach wasn't sleeping and still had barely spoken to anyone. She continued to mime her intentions and responded to questions with simple head shakes. Peach spent most of her time locked away in her bedroom writing out her instructions for the funeral in a series of notes passed along through Toadette. She would occasionally leave her room the check on how preparations were getting on, only to retire to her room again, where Toadette would be provided with yet another note.

Now the thing Peach had been dreading most was announced. Luigi and Daisy had arrived from Sarasaland. Peach had still not given an accounting of how Mario had died to anyone. But how could she possibly refuse Luigi? Luigi was likely the only other person in the Kingdom who could truly understand Peach's grief. He was Mario's brother. She simply had no right to refuse him.


Peach was back in her royal pink gown. She made a vain attempt to conceal some of the bags and redness in her eyes but gave it up when she realized there was simply no point. When Luigi and Daisy came to the castle, Peach greeted them in a private side chamber. It was a simple room. Several display cases lined the walls and a single window allowed for sunlight to filter in. In the center of the room sat several cushy chairs surrounding an elaborate wooden table. In one of the chairs sat Peach who looked up from the handkerchief she was twisting in her hands when she heard the door finally open.

"Oh Peach... I am so sorry..."

Daisy rushed to Peach as she entered and threw her arms around her, crying into her shoulder. Peach didn't know how to respond, so she stayed silent, letting her own tears speak for her. When they finally pulled apart, Peach stood and turned to Luigi. He looked almost as terrible as the pain Peach felt. Picking up a letter from the table, she walked up to Luigi. Head bowed, she pressed the letter into his hands and hugged him. Her voice quavering as she spoke.

"It's all in there... Everything I could remember... I'm so sorry Luigi... I should be able to tell you... You deserve better than a letter. You probably think me a coward for only providing this. But... I can't... I don't think I'll ever be able to speak about it."

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