2- in your arms

Depuis le début

I rushed to the door, taking a deep breath before opening it. Paige and Azzi were at the door.

"Damn you look hot." Azzi laughed pushing past me and inviting herself in. Paige stood outside the door in shock before walking inside following Azzi as I closed the door.

"This is Rose, my roommate." I pointing to Rose who was sitting on the couch. "Rose, this is Paige and Azzi." I said and they all introduced themselves as I finished getting ready.

"Jules, she said 6 not 6:05." Rose yelled and Paige laughed. I just knew it was killing Rose inside for being five minutes off schedule and I smirked to myself. This was slight payback for all the loud and early mornings for no reason. 

"You look cute, now let's go." Rose said completely sarcastically when I walked back into the living room. Rose didn't waste another second, dragging all of us out of the dorm and to the car.

"Here you take shotgun." Azzi offered, opening the door for me. I got in, Paige in the drivers and Rose and Azzi in the backseat.

"You wanna play your music?" Paige asked me and I nodded excitedly. Get ready to be graced. I connected my phone with Paige's car and started playing my main playlist. The first song being 'Thinkin Bout You' by Frank Ocean and everyone sang along. 

The rest of the car ride went like that until we parked outside the restaurant and we all got out. Rose and Azzi walking in front of us, seeming to have gotten along during the car ride. Paige and I followed behind them, our hands brushing a few times thanks to my lack of being able to walk in a straight line. 

"If you wanna head out at any point just let me know yeah?" Paige stopped me before we walked in, holding the restaurant door open for me. We walked inside, Rose and Azzi nowhere to be found. Paige put her hand on my lower back as she led me through the busy restaurant trying to find the rest of the team.

We found them near the back and they all got excited seeing me and Paige walk in, when we found the girls Paige's hand stayed on my back, following me as I hugged the girls. She didn't remove her hand until we sat down, me in between her and Rose. 

We all got carried into separate conversations until the food came and everyone on the team was telling stories from past years. They were making sure me and Rose felt included even though we were completely clueless about any basketball terms. Seriously it felt like they were speaking gibberish sometimes

The dinner wasn't long and people started heading out, we all had to be up early either for classes or practices. 

"You wanna head out?" Paige whispered in my ear and I just nodded looking over at Rose to see if she was ready to go.

"Oh don't worry about me. Azzi and I are gonna catch a ride with Nika." She shot me a wink and continued her conversation with Nika. I just shrugged and me and Paige said our goodbyes and walked out back to her car. Paige opened the passenger side door for me before getting in and driving back to the dorms.

We were sitting in comfortable silence and I took the chance to gaze over at Paige. It was dark out now and the lights from cars and street lights illuminated her face. She turned to look at me, catching me staring and I looked down at my lap.

"You know the whole team really likes you." She kept her voice low and I smiled to myself. I really liked the team. Even after just a few weeks they made me feel like I was a part of the team and just as important.

"I really like everyone too." I replied and she smirked.

"You like me more though?" She questioned, the smirk still evident on her face.

"I don't know about that. I really love Azzi and Nika and oh my god Aaliyah." I laughed, knowing Paige was my favorite but I couldn't admit that to her smirking face. Her jaw dropped open but you could still sense the confidence on her face. 

"It's ok I know I'm the favorite, you don't gotta say it." She said smiling at me making me look down at my lap again, my cheeks heating up.

We parked by the dorms and got out, walking to the elevator and to my floor. She walked me to the door like always.

"You wanna come in?" I asked nervously. To be honest I didn't want Paige to leave and wait for the next time I would see her.

"Of course I do, Jules." She smiled and I let out a huge internal sigh of relief. I opened the door and we both walked in. I went and changed into sweats and a hoodie before finding her laying on my couch scrolling through Netflix. I sat next to her, close but far enough for it to be considered friendly. She ended up putting on some random kids movie and I sat there watching it, starting to get uncomfortable in my upright position and Paige seemed to notice.

"You wanna lay down?" She asked, moving over and giving me space to lay down. I took up her offer, laying down next to her but making sure to keep a distance in our close proximity to make sure I didn't make her uncomfortable. She put her arm over the back of the couch, almost around my shoulder and I held my breath at the close contact. I was tossing and turning trying to get comfortable while being this close to Paige, she looked over at me laughing and my struggle to get comfy.

"Come here." She motioned me over. My heart fell into my ass but I did it anyway, putting my head on her chest and my hand on her waist. Her arm that was on the couch wrapped around my shoulders and held me close. I could smell her, feel her heartbeat and hear her breathing. It was the closest we'd ever been.

I felt my eyes flutter shut, I was the comfiest I'd been in years in her arms and I couldn't hold back the exhaustion that hit me as I fell asleep in her arms. It's normal right? Me and Rose do it all the time. But something just felt different. 

how you get the girl- Paige BueckersOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant