Obi-Wan Kenobi and Plo Koon, arriving at the temple, #2/4

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    "Returned, you have, with an unexpected guest?" Yoda asked upon greeting Plo in the docking bay.
    "Yes, I have. Young one, this is Yoda. He is one of my colleagues here." Plo explained to the bundled-up child in his arms. The child peeked out for a second to look at who had spoken before squeaking in fear and pressing their face back into Plo's shoulder, whimpering and trying to hide.
    "Scared, the young one is," Yoda observed.
    "Yes. They've been through quite the ordeal in the last couple of days. Our first stop is going to be to the healers." Plo informed Yoda, walking briskly past the shorter man when the child whimpered again at the mention of the healers. Plo had discovered through his short and mostly silent time with the child that they were terrified of any doctors of any sort, which was probably well-earned.
    Nonetheless, the child needed to be seen by a medical professional, and quickly, to avoid pneumonia or permanent damage to their connection to the force, so Plo decided to take them to the children's ward in the Halls of Healing.
    "This is Healer Che," Plo said to the child, trying to get them to look up at the blue Twi'lek healer who was in the back room in the Halls of Healing with the two of them.
    "Hello, young one," she said gently, trying to seem as non-threatening as she could.
    The child looked out of their hiding spot - face buried in Plo's shoulder - to look at the Healer cautiously.
    "Hi there," she said sweetly.
    The child lifted one hand to wave a little to the woman who was standing in front of them.
    "Could you tell us your name?" Vokara asked kindly.
    "O-" the child started before cutting off into a whine, tears springing into their eyes as their hand shot up to their throat.
    "Oh, it's okay little one, don't try to talk." Vokara soothed while Plo ran a clawed hand through their hair and down their back to try and calm them.
    "Could you write it down for us, young one?" Plo asked. The child nodded happily while Vokara grabbed some paper and crayons from the desk, which they had in all of the children's rooms.
    The child carefully and slowly wrote out their name before showing it to Plo, seemingly very proud of themselves.
    "Obi-Wan Kenobi?" Plo asked, trying to make sure that he had read it right, and he was met with a happy nod from Obi-Wan.
    "It's nice to meet you, Obi-Wan," Vokara said, "do you mind if I scan you with this? It will tell me what I need to know to help you feel better." She said, holding up a handheld scanner.
    Obi-Wan nodded hesitantly, returning one of their hands to grip Plo's robes, anxious.
    "Well..." Vokara said, reading the results of the scan, "do you want to look at a picture with me?"
    Obi-Wan nodded a bit more confidently than he had before, leaning forwards a bit while keeping his tight grip on Plo.
    "This is a picture of you," Vokara said, pulling up a holo image of an outline of the child.
    Obi-Wan scrambled for their paper and crayons again, pausing momentarily when they realized that writing again meant that they would have to relinquish their grip on Plo.
    "It is alright, young one, I won't let go," Plo assured them. Believing Plo, Obi-Wan let go of his robes and started writing.
    "You want to know what the colors mean?" Plo asked after reading the writing.
    Obi-Wan nodded happily, grabbing back onto Plo's robes for security.
    "They show me what hurts. See here?" Vokara asked, pointing at a few specific parts of the diagram. When Obi-Wan nodded, she continued, "these show me that you're hurt here. This says that you're sick," she pointed at the kid's lungs before moving onto their head, "and this shows me that your head hurts," she moved on to their leg, "and this shows me that your left leg hurts, too. Is that right?"
    Obi-Wan nodded, their facial expression falling. If this lady could tell all of that in just a couple of seconds, what could everyone else see? Would these people decide that she wasn't important enough to keep? Would they send her back to Stewjon?
    "Little one, we are not going to send you away. You are safe here," Plo assured when that stream of thought seeped through the child's shields. They were certainly impressive for their age and had likely been put up subconsciously to protect them from the anger against them that was ever present on their home planet.
    "Do you know what pronouns you use?" Vokara asked suddenly, realizing that she didn't know how to make notes about an intersex species.
    Obi-Wan looked at her with a confused expression.
    "For example," Plo jumped in to help explain, "I use he/him pronouns, and Voakra uses she/her pronouns. There are some Jedi who use they/them pronouns, as well as xe and ze."
    Obi-Wan picked up his paper again, pausing. After a moment, they started to write again.
    "Obi-Wan uses she pronouns," Plo told Vokara, who moved to correct her notes immediately.
    "Alright, before I get you a treatment plan, I have a couple of questions that I need to ask you Obi-Wan. First, how old are you?" Vokara asked. Obi-Wan held six fingers up, proud when Voakra smiled at her.
    "Six? Thank you, Obi-Wan." Vokara said, writing down a couple of notes.
    "How much sleep do you get normally every night?" Vokara asked. To that question, Obi-Wan just looked confused.
    "It is alright to not know the answer," Plo reassured her when she burrowed into his robes, hiding from Vokara in embarrassment which was strong enough to leak through her shields.
    Obi-Wan nodded her understanding but kept her face hidden.
    "Well, then I've got your treatment plan ready for you. Plo, I'll give it to you after I explain it and you can get it to the right people," Vokara said, getting Obi-Wan to look up before launching into an explanation, "Obi-Wan, you have what is called pneumonia. That's a kind of sickness that was caused by you being in the river for as long as you were." When Vokara mentioned the river, Obi-Wan started shaking and pressed her face back into Plo's shoulder, seeking security.
    "I am sorry little one. Breathe, it will be alright. You are safe here. I will keep you safe." Plo said, running a clawed hand through Obi-Wan's hair again, grounding her at the moment, instead of letting her drift back to the memories of the river.
    "As far as treatment goes, you will have to take a few medications, as well as one for the pain from your ankle and knee. Plo will wrap those for you once he helps you get cleaned up. Here, Plo," Vokara handed Plo a datapad, "go to the front desk and they should have the supplies you need, as well as some extra bacta in case there are any other aches and pains that the scan missed. They'll also have some special tea that should help to heal her throat faster. If anything gets worse, come back immediately, but other than that I want to have a checkup with Obi-Wan in four days." Vokara said, Plo standing with Obi-Wan still gathered in his arms and putting the data pad in his pocket, walking out of the room.
    "I need to pick up the supplies for Obi-Wan Kenobi," Plo said to the Senior Padawan at the reception desk. They pulled a bag out from under their desk and wished Plo luck, waving at the small child who was peeking out from his side. When Ob-Wan waved back, Plo left the Halls of Healing and started heading back to his quarters.
    Suddenly, Obi-Wan tugged on Plo's robes, bringing him to a stop.

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