Obi-Wan Kenobi and Bail Organa, flashbacks

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This one might get a bit rough, warning for flashbacks and panic attacks.

Obi-Wan had been in and out of meetings for several hours--since he had gotten up that morning.  He hadn't eaten anything, and behind his calm Jedi exterior, he was starting to fray at the edges.  Really, he didn't care why one senator disagreed with another on this specific tax, Jedi weren't supposed to be responsible for fixing these things on Coruscant.
Currently, he was helping to wrap up his fourth meeting of the day.  This one was attended by three different delegations.  Thankfully, one of them was from Alderaan, including his friend Senator Organa, so he didn't have to worry about too much blatant arguing.
As they finished the meeting, and he stood to bid the senators a good day, he felt all the exhaustion of the day crashing down on him.  As the door closed, he fell back into his chair, letting his head hit the desk.
"Obi?" Senator Organa asked.  He was the only other one still in the room, so he felt comfortable using the nickname for the Jedi Master.
"Ugh," came the grunt from the unmoving Jedi.
"You have another meeting across the courtyard in ten minutes.  You should head there.  I'll go with you, to make sure you make it since I have a meeting next door.  Why are you so exhausted?" Bail asked.
"Didn't sleep well last night," Obi-Wan said, struggling into a standing position.  When he stood, and let his guard down, Bail could see just how dark the circles under his friend's eyes were.
"Come on.  Maybe you can get a break after this meeting to get some caffeine in you," Bail suggested, knowing that there was no way for his friend to greatly impact his schedule that day.
"Maybe.  To the meeting," Obi-Wan said in what was supposed to be an energetic tone.  It fell flat.
"Yep," Bail said, holding the door open for the younger man.
As they entered the cacophony of noise that was in the courtyard, Obi-Wan fought the urge to flinch.  The night before had been plagued with nightmares and visions, and he was trying desperately not to end up repeating that in the middle of the senate.
However, as most things do, Obi-Wan's day was bound to get worse.
Two particularly rowdy representatives from currently warring planets walked past, arguing loudly and without a single care for what was happening around them.  They slammed bodily into Obi-Wan, sending him down to the floor and spiraling into memories.
All that Obi-Wan was aware of for a time was the memories flashing through his mind of days long past, of being a boy in a warzone, fighting and leading, and watching people die every day.  He could practically smell the rotting flesh and sewage from their hideout, feel the force screaming around him as his friend died, and see the explosions as parents attacked their children.
He was vaguely aware that, in the real world outside of the war in his head, the volume level had decreased tremendously, both in the force and to his ears.  The force was singing comfortingly around him, trying to remind him that he was safe, but the flashback wouldn't let him accept his safety.
Suddenly, after an indeterminate amount of time, he felt a hand on his shoulder.  Slowly, as he managed to focus on that, he began to focus on other things.  For one, he could feel the tile floor underneath him-all of him-which meant that he was lying down.  He didn't remember moving like that.  Before he could get too confused, he cracked his eyes open.  He didn't remember closing them.  His confusion and panic grew for a moment more before someone's face entered his line of sight.
Obi-Wan tried to sit up suddenly, not entirely sure what had happened, and the screams of the young still echoing in his ears, when Bail moved one of his hands to Obi-Wan's chest, to stop him from sitting up.
"Hold still, my friend," Bail said softly.
"What happened?" Obi-Wan asked, his voice rough.
"I think it was a flashback.  Do you remember what happened at all?" Bail asked.
"We were going to our next meetings, people were everywhere and too loud and then I got shoved and I was on the ground, and then my head was telling me that I was back there," Obi-Wan said slowly, not elaborating on where there was, but Bail didn't need him too.
"Has this ever happened to you before?" Bail asked.
"Yeah.  I'm diagnosed with PTSD... and I forgot to take my anxiety meds last night and this morning.  Which explains everything, actually." Obi-Wan explained, Bail helping him to sit up - slowly this time - and lean against the wall.
"When were you diagnosed?" Bail asked.
"When I was 13.  I was fighting in a war, and when I returned to the order, I was diagnosed." Obi-Wan said quietly.  Bail wrapped an arm around his shoulders before continuing.
"Is there someone I should call to get your meds?" Bail asked.
"Yeah, there's a healer at the Temple who should be able to get my emergency meds, so that doesn't happen again until I can get back on my regular meds," Obi-Wan said, using a shaky hand to type in the comm code into Bail's comm when it was offered to him.
While Bail contacted them, Obi-Wan took the opportunity to look around the courtyard.
"Where is everyone?" Obi-Wan asked as Bail hung up.
"I had the area evacuated so that your episode didn't get any worse.  I've taken courses on these sorts of things and I've helped people through them before." Bail explained.
"I'm sorry," Obi-Wan whispered, for some reason afraid that Bail would be angry at him for being weak.  Another memory pulled him in--this time it was a memory of Satine and Qui-Gon on Bandomeer.
Obi-Wan had been injured and Qui-Gon was yelling at him about how he had endangered the mission while they were running from gunfire.  Obi-Wan felt a searing pain course through his body as he was shot--and then he felt something cold in his hand.  Slowly, he started to pull himself out of the memory, focusing on the temperature.  He looked up and realized that he was under a table.
"Obi-Wan?  Are you back?" Bail asked.  He was sitting a few feet away from the table Obi-Wan was hiding under.  After a moment, Obi-Wan nodded.
"How long?  What happened?" Obi-Wan asked.
"Around another half hour.  You started hyperventilating and ran under the table." Bail explained.
"I'm sor-" Bail cut Obi-Wan off before he could apologize again.
"No.  You don't need to be sorry for your memories." Bail assured him, passing him two pills and a bottle of water which Obi accepted with shaking hands, staying where he was.
"When..." Obi-Wan started, confused.  He didn't remember the healer coming to the area.
"While you were in your second episode.  They decided that I was doing well enough, and they didn't want to overwhelm you so they just gave me your meds and instructions.  So take the pills, and drink at least half the water, and then we'll see how things go from there." Bail explained softly.  Obi-Wan quickly took the pills and drank the water as fast as he was able, considering that his hands were still shaking uncontrollably.
"Enough?" Obi-Wan asked Bail, holding up the water bottle for him to see.
"Yes.  Thank you for drinking it, Obi," Bail said, trying to encourage his friend, "Do you want to stay here or go somewhere else?"
"Um," Obi-Wan glanced around the room and suddenly realized how exposed they were, "somewhere else.  Too exposed."
"Ok.  We can do that." Bail affirmed, "where do you want to go?  We can stay in the senate building or go back to the temple."
"Here," Obi-Wan said shortly, indicating that he wanted to stay somewhere in the senate building.
"Alright.  We can go up to my office or one of the conference rooms.  There's also a secluded garden we could go to." Bail informed him, giving him options.
"Garden," Obi-Wan said.
"Do you want to go now, or do you want to wait a minute?" Bail asked.
"Wait," Obi-Wan said, shifting into sitting Indian style instead of being curled up.  He slowly got his heart rate to calm down, methodically squeezing the ice pack in his hand to help him focus.  About ten minutes later, when Bail was about to check in with him again, Obi-Wan crawled out from under the table.
"Are you ready to go?" Bail asked.
"Yeah," Obi-Wan said, standing shakily.  Bail quickly wrapped an arm around Obi's shoulders to provide support to his friend.
Bail guided Obi-Wan over to the nearby conservatory and led him to the padded bench in the corner.
"Thank you," Obi said quietly as Bail sat down next to him.
"Of course," Bail said.
"You didn't have to..." Obi trailed off.
"Yes, I did.  You're my friend, Obi.  I had to help you, and I wanted to." Bail assured him.
"Thank you," Obi said again, leaning his head against Bail's shoulder and falling asleep.

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