Penelope looks at her in surprise "I thought you were going to torture him for a while?" Penelope asks.

"I was but now I would rather just get back to New Orleans with you and spend time with my family and Lizzie." Hope says taking Penelope's hand before walking out of the house and setting the house on fire to get rid of all evidence they were there.

They pick up Lizzie before making there way to New Orleans. Like she suspected she got interrogated immediately on how the situation with Tyler was handled. She told them with pride at how easily Penelope physically took him down before finishing the fight with her magic. Like Hope thought Lizzie and Kol became fast friends much to her dismay because now Kol has pranking buddy to go after her and Penelope. They took great joy in making fun of Hope who acted annoyed but wouldn't admit she actually loved it and how happy everyone in the family seemed to be.

One thing Hope has noticed is how close her mom and dad are all the time. She was always told that they tolerated each other for her sake but that doesn't seem to be the case. After being back for a couple of days Klaus and Hayley ask to speak to Hope and they go to the art studio.

Hope looks at them curiously "Hope we just wanted to let you know that your father and I love each other and are together now." Hayley says slightly nervous wondering how her daughter will react.

Hope's eyes widen in surprise and her jaw drops, she opens and closes her mouth multiple times not knowing what to say. "Really? I was always thought you guys didn't get along that well." Hope says confused.

"I was an idiot who reacted badly and didn't treat your mother how I should have when I found out she was pregnant. But I have loved you mother for a long time littlest wolf, I just never said anything until we came back to life." Klaus says sincerely.

Hope has a bright smile take over her face and she pulls her parents into a tight hug. "If you guys are happy that is all that matters and I love that my parents are together now. So when am I getting a little sibling to fuss over and spoil?" Hope asks seriously.

Hayley looks at Hope with a small smile "Hope honey I am a hybrid now I can't get pregnant." Hayley says.

"Mom I made you an original you should be just as fertile as dad." Hope says seriously and laughing at the look on her parents faces. "I can see if you are pregnant right now with a spell if you want?" Hope asks

Hayley and Klaus look at each other before turning back to Hope and nodding. Hope does the spell and she has one of the biggest smiles they have ever seen on her face. "I am going to be a big sister. Oh my god this is going to be the most spoiled little sibling ever they will get everything they ever want." Hope says excitedly.

Klaus and Hayley chuckle at Hope's excitement "Hope, baby can you not tell anyone. We would like to tell everyone at family dinner on Friday." Hayley says.

"Of course mom I won't say anything but can I can Pen at least?" Hope asks and they both nod and before Hope leaves the room she turns around with a smirk. "You know Caroline won't happy that not only did you not tell her you came back from the dead but you aren't even single anymore." Hope says laughing before speeding out of the room when her mom and dad throw a pillow at her.

Later that night when Hope and Pen are in bed in the afterglow of several hours of love making. "Love have you thought about having kids at all?" Hope asks making Penelope sit up and look at Hope.

"Ya I have but I can't have kids anymore." Penelope says.

"Pen if you want kids we can adopt at some point. Or we could use a surrogate and I can carry. I have a spell that would change the DNA of the surrogate to yours." Hope says.

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