V | Glady's Patties

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All three of them cowered, and Halle's hand flew over her mouth to suppress a startled yelp.

"That's what's going on," Sameer answered. "Violence tends to follow after too many losses."

"What the fuck?" Sage burped. "And this is the 'profession' you wanna get into?"

"The game is the game. Plus, I think the money makes it all worth it." He shrugged, fidgeting with the volume knob.

"The game is the game." Sage mocked, staring at the side of his face. "Who do you think you are?"

"The next street racing champ," he said cooly.

"Whatever." Sage leaned against the headrest. "Just get us as far away from that shit as possible."

Soon, the crunch of the dry Earth beneath the tires was muffled by Sameer's choice of music.
Halle buckled her seatbelt as the siblings sang along, looking out her window and getting lost in the web of stars caught in the nighttime sky. She couldn't help but to wonder if everyone else had gotten away unharmed.

I sure hope so.

Police sirens rapidly approached them along with flashing red and blue lights. Sameer reduced his speed, only to release a relieved sigh when both vehicles zoomed past, already in pursuit of the commotion that they'd left behind. Their urgency gave Halle a slight measure of solace, and made the ride almost feel normal.

A blinking sign to a rinky-dink diner came into view eventually, and Sage belched into her fist again. "Pull over up here. I need some food to settle my stomach."

"Fine." Sameer pivoted to the left, joining the other two cars in the otherwise empty parking lot.

Halle hopped out of the backseat, and walked over to the metal guard rails in front of the vehicle. Below the cliff, there was an ominous unfinished highway with faded signs that made her shutter.

"You had to pick the creepiest diner in the middle of nowhere, didn't you? We were gonna be back in town in like, twenty minutes," she complained.

"I held out for as long as I could." Sage palmed her stomach and scurried through the translucent glass doors. The other two followed.

Glady's Patties was a piece of work. The inside of the restaurant smelled of old grease and stale coffee grounds, and the walls were discolored due to the years of cigarette smoke. A thin puff of air whooshed out of the seats when Halle and Sameer scooted into a booth.

And to think, I'd just been at one of the nicest steakhouses in the world hours ago.

She picked up the stained menu and skimmed over the print until Sage teetered back from the restroom. She chose the seat next to her brother.

"Okay, water, two milkshakes, and three large batches of fries." The elderly waitress popped her gum as she dotted her I's. "Is that all?"

"Yes, ma'am." Sameer cheesed.

"Alrighty then, honey, coming right on up." Gladys nodded, and walked away.

"So, are you two ready to thank me for saving your lives yet?" He looked pointedly at the women, his hands clasped on the table.

Sage ignored the question, perking up at Brezdin's name on her phone screen.

"Hi, baby," she swooned, her voice now as airy as cotton candy. Sameer sucked his teeth.

"Yes, actually. Thank you, Sameer," Halle earnestly responded. "You seem so unphased by the whole ordeal though."

"Well, you know I..." Sameer's voice faded, and his eyes became fixated on something behind Halle's head. She turned to follow his gaze, only to be met with the sight of two people entering the restaurant.

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