Before the zombies

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The boys - Mully, Eddy, Josh, Juicy and narrator - were gathered at Mully's house for an exciting day of recording a YouTube video for their channel. They'd planned it all out and were eager to start filming.

Mully had set up his camera and lights, Josh had written a skit, Eddy had choreographed a hilarious dance routine, Juicy had some fun improv ideas, and narrator was going to bring it all together with his enthusiastic commentary.

As they were getting ready to start filming, they noticed something strange happening outside. The streets were quiet, and there was an eerie feeling in the air. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise coming from the street.

The boys cautiously went outside to see what was happening, and they were horrified to see a group of zombies wandering down the street. They quickly realized they needed to finish filming their video and get inside before the zombies came too close.

With adrenaline pumping and nerves on edge, the boys raced back inside and quickly resumed filming. They were determined to finish the video before any zombies came too close.

As they filmed, they could hear the zombies getting closer and closer, but they refused to let the fear take over. They kept filming, laughing and having fun, even as they could hear the moans of the zombies outside the door.

In the end, they completed the video and shared it on their channel. They knew that it might be their last video ever, but they were proud of what they'd created and grateful to have each other as friends. As the zombies were outside moans can be heard , the boys just looked at each other .

While the future was uncertain, the boys knew that they had each other, and that was all that mattered. For now, they'd continue creating hilarious YouTube videos and having the time of their lives. Even in a world filled with zombies, they refused to let the fear take over and would always keep laughing. The boys had just finished shooting their latest video together. Mully, Eddy, Josh, Juicy, and the narrator were all exhausted but happy with the content they had produced. As they sat in Mully's living room, each of them shared their favorite moments from the day.

Suddenly, the conversation took a dark turn. Narrator brought up the topic of  the zombie apocalypse. And knew they needed a plan, for the virus outbreak that could turn people into the undead, They all nervously laughed it off, but the question of the idea of making a plan to survive the zombies lingered in their minds.

"Okay, guys, let's think for a moment ," said Eddy. "What are we going to do about the  zombies?.

They all looked at each other and shrugged. They don't really  have much thought.

"We need to make a plan," said Mully. "We can't just sit here and wait for the zombies to come."

The group spent the next hour brainstorming different strategies, from stockpiling weapons and supplies to finding a secure location to hide out. They discussed the pros and cons of each option and finally came up with a plan they all agreed on.

They decided to head to a nearby military base. They figured it would be well-stocked with weapons and supplies, plus it would be well-protected. They knew it would be a dangerous journey, but they were confident they could make it.

As they finished their planning, the group felt a sense of relief. They knew it was a zombie apocalypse and needed to find a way to survive , but they now had a plan in case they needed to run out of there . They continued to chat and hang out, but now with a sense of comfort knowing they had each other's backs in case things went south.

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